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Booking not working in Internet explorer
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Booking not working in Internet explorer

Booking not working in Internet explorer 11 years, 6 months ago #40435

When using Joomla2.5 with Booking2 the admin section cannot be displayed in Internet Explorer.
It wil display an error 500 - Er deed zich een fout voor. (error occured) when logging in

When trying to book a periode in a next month, it is not possible to do so.
When accessing the site from safari, Firefox it is not an issue.

When using opera 12 the same as IE is occurring.

Can you please provide a solution, as the site is currently not working correctly.

Regards Marjon Jacobs
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Re: Booking not working in Internet explorer 11 years, 6 months ago #40436

Apperently the issue seems different than first stated.
When using IE. the booking in the next month is not selectable.
When going back the current month is also not selectable.

Issue in Opera is resolved.
Internet Explorer seems to be the culprit with this issue.
Used version is Bookit 2 version 2.1.1

I've seen that there is a new version, but when installing this in a test scenario the language was completely changed,.

Hopefully the issue can be resolved.
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