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Booking and error-message layout error
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Booking and error-message layout error

Booking and error-message layout error 11 years, 3 months ago #42119

Good day to you, I have a couple of issues that needs addressing please.

1) I have layout errors for date and time selection for booking. I expected the layout to be the same as the one in the demo-site for the booking component. (image below)

2) Error-message layout also did not come out clean. The error-message comes out as a full webpage. (image below)
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Re: Booking and error-message layout error 11 years, 2 months ago #42191

  • vebi
  • Posts: 444

1) The problem will be probably with your Reservation settings and Prices. Could you send me any screenshot from administration to see your settings?

2) Please check, if you don´t have set "Enable Maximum Reservation LImit" in Reservation Settings. It can be cause of the problem.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Booking and error-message layout error 11 years, 2 months ago #42194


Thanks for the reply, here are some screenshots that might help.

Parent item = Lilydale's Booking & Reservations
Child item = Barbeque Pits 1 & 2

note** I actually configured the booking system in a way that the reservation does not require a price to pay nor deposits. Its a reservation system for condominium residents.
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Re: Booking and error-message layout error 11 years, 2 months ago #42198

  • vebi
  • Posts: 444

1. this layout is in the last version 2.2.4 that will be release during today. So you have to update last version and set following: Configuration/Calendars/Week Calendar Style/Time in each column

2. You have set "Enable Maximum Reservation LImit" according to screenshot you send us. You have set that customer can make only 1 reservation in 30 days. You have to change it or disabled this option.
Please, try it. It can help.
ARTIO Support Team
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