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Viewing Check In and Check Out fields
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TOPIC: Viewing Check In and Check Out fields

Viewing Check In and Check Out fields 11 years, 9 months ago #39576

I have posted this on the Pre-Sale forum, but got no answer.
This information is important for me, because that is what I need and I intend to purchase this product .
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I have followed the tutorials online and I am glad I found your component.
It will be used for a vacation rental website.

The only thing I haven't figured out yet is: can I make a reservation in a date range?

For example, I want to check in on July 20th and check out on July 30th and I would like to see the fields for check in and check out date with calendar display on the site.

In the first video tutorial I see that. I tried to follow it, but I don't know what I missed to have this feature enabled.

I tried to enclose an image here, but I see nothing in the Attachments field.

Thank you
Last Edit: 11 years, 9 months ago by helvecio. Reason: No luck in attaching an image file...

Re: Viewing Check In and Check Out fields 11 years, 9 months ago #39581

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

There is new feature what allow customers to book multiple reservations on calendar. If you want old functionality with check in and check out dates, you can set it in:
Configuration -> tab Item Detail Defaults -> Multiple Reservations set to NO
ARTIO Support Team
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