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turning on monthly calendar problem
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TOPIC: turning on monthly calendar problem

turning on monthly calendar problem 10 years, 5 months ago #45637

I bought this component for a small appartment house.
I have a menu pointing to list of bookable items. There is written overall description of the top level item - whole house and then there are shown some appertments intro. That is ok.
But now I wanted to show a calendar for each appartment in order to show clients which appartment is free in next three months. I turned it on on Properties > Item list > Monthly calendar.
After turning this on there are shown details of last appartment on the top of the page. When I unpublish this one, then the new last item appear there.
When I turn off that calendar, everything is ok again, it means there is description from top level item and not from the last one bookable item.
Is it a bug or I should use another function to achieve this?

Thanks a lot.
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Re: turning on monthly calendar problem 10 years, 5 months ago #45656

  • mitk

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