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TOPIC: Subjects not shown

Subjects not shown 10 years, 1 month ago #46011


I´ve got a car washing company. After configuring all in "Bookable Items" and "Reservation Types (were i´ve decided wich are the servfices avaliable to book)", when someone makes a reservation, on confirmation mail and on Admin/Client screens the service booked ins´t showned ...

A few years ago i´ve bought full version of Artio Booking (still the 1. version) and the service booked/reservation type were always displayed.

Can someone help me with this issue?

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Re: Subjects not shown 10 years ago #46089

Hi there

I agree, Reservation Type is the core parameter for any booking. If you have one bookable item with two or more different reservation types than it is essenial to show the booked reservation type . I also had Book it older version wich included this feature both on reservation window and the reservation notification emails.

I provide a very simple example why it is inevitable to show reservation type as well :
Car Wash - this is your Bookable Item -if you have just two diffferent service eg "FAST WASH 20 EUR" and "DELUXE WASH 30 EUR" than you will have to create two reservation types: a Fast Wash reservation type and a Deluxe wash reservation type. Your customer will make his choice first between the two reservation types (Fast Wash or Deluxe Wash) and than he will select the date and time. If the reservation shows only the Booked Item "CAR WASH" for whatever date and time and the price eg 20 EUR than the customer would be confused weather he booked the service he wanted. This feature has to be relaunched again and reservation types have to be shown in booking and reservation window and emai templates and pdf fickets / vouchers as well.
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