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pick-up, drop-off locations
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TOPIC: pick-up, drop-off locations

Re: pick-up, drop-off locations 9 years, 7 months ago #46669

  • mitk

time can be set in Bookable item -> tab Price. Also you can mention time in the Bookable item description. Unfortunately there is not possibility to set time exactly in Location. This could be done as a paid suport service.
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Re: pick-up, drop-off locations 9 years, 7 months ago #46671

Not working for a full day option...
Instead, i would need a "date field" for the option, but there is not... Is there a way to add it ?
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Re: pick-up, drop-off locations 9 years, 7 months ago #46676

  • mitk

please, can you send me a screenshot where should be the "date field"?
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Re: pick-up, drop-off locations 9 years, 7 months ago #46677

i would need it in the costumer form or in the detail view after the supplements or in the pick up-drop off block.
In fact i need a pick up and a drop off date and time, not just only time and i would need to select some days for the pick up and some others for the drop off.

So i thought i've found a solution with some css and in adding some custom dropdown fields to display in the costumer form, it was perfect, except when i added a "month" dropdown :
dropdown day - dropdown month - drop down time
when i added "january / february / march / april..." a big bug appears : all my config resets (all the changes i made), i tried a second time, same issue... and impossible to make a reservation without being registred,..
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