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overview calendar bug
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TOPIC: overview calendar bug

overview calendar bug 12 years, 8 months ago #31191

BUG: the overview monthly-calendar view does not correctly handle days which cannot be booked (e.g. because no price has been defined for them).. they should be treated as InsensitiveDays but they are not (contrary to the booking-calendar view which handles this case correctly)

PS: The administration "Prices" entry page uses a very unintuitive date range model: normally I'd expect that the "from" and the "to" days are both included in the range. But here the "from" day does not seem to be included in the range. consequently ranges here must be defined such that they overlap (e.g. 2012-01-01 - 2012-06-27 and 2012-06-27 - 2012-12-31 <- Looking at the ranges in the example it is not obvious which of the two ranges the date 2012-06-27 belongs to.. according to the current implementation it is the former.. having overlapping ranges is just rubbish..
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