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Error Message when viewing bookable Item
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TOPIC: Error Message when viewing bookable Item

Error Message when viewing bookable Item 12 years ago #37123

Can anyone help me with this error message or how to solve it??

I have been playing with different options to get out of the program what I need but now I am getting this error:
Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/content/32/9810732/html/joomla258/administrator/components/com_booking/helpers/booking.php on line 764

I have created two bookable items in the beginning and they are both fine without any error.
I also only get this error if in the monthly calendar is selected in the properties section.

Re: Error Message when viewing bookable Item 12 years ago #37156

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

can you post printscreens of your object settings here? Properties, Reservation Types and Prices should show me more.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: Error Message when viewing bookable Item 12 years ago #37164

OK I started off by creating a parent bookable Item, below is all the information you asked for the parent item: Please note that this parent item is purely there to split the motorcycles and tours apart for different menu placements.

Then after this I created the child bookable item:

And what it does on the front page is as follows:

1: The menu item to select the tours available (list of all child object under parent)

2: It display the tours (child objects under parent object) this part works 100%

3: But then when you want to continue further is where I get the errors: (you can have a look at our testing site here to see what I mean)

Please let me know what I can try next to do to get this to work.
Could it be that this component is somehow clashing with another component to cause this?

Last Edit: 12 years ago by arangiesjb.

Re: Error Message when viewing bookable Item 12 years ago #37168

OK after more testing I found the following:
I only get this error if I select "Fix Limit" in Reservation Type.

This is fairly important for me, specially for the tours they should just have to click once and the range should be selected depending on the fix limit. Also if I use fix limit, I can put in a price per tour and not a price per day

Re: Error Message when viewing bookable Item 12 years ago #37186

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

I simulated that error, but it doesn't brake functionality of the component. You can hide warning in php settings, or modify row 764 from:
if(array_key_exists($sk,$servic) && (($servic[$sk]->canReserve == false) || ($days[$dk+$i]->engaged == true)))

if($servic != null && array_key_exists($sk,$servic) && (($servic[$sk]->canReserve == false) || ($days[$dk+$i]->engaged == true)))
ARTIO Support Team
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