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direct booking
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Support forum for users using free edition of Book it!. These forums are for mutual help among users.

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TOPIC: direct booking

direct booking 3 years, 12 months ago #79132


I'd like to setup following:

A room which can be booked for 1 hour or more (24/7), the user should only select day, start and end time and click on book.

No further input, name and mail should be taken from joomla user - if that is not possibe two fields for name and mail
No kind of registration is required (from my side)

After that the time should be booked and a confirmation mail sent.

Is that possilbe?

Thanks for your help!


Re: direct booking 3 years, 12 months ago #79141


I think I've got the required settings now - but there's one question left.

When a user make some reservation the user should be redirected to a new page. I assume for paying
But only following error is displayed:

0 Class 'BookingModelPayments' not found

The reservation is blocked correct at the calender.

How can I prevent the error?

Thanks for your help ... Chris
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