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cannot upload images to bookable items
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Support forum for users using free edition of Book it!. These forums are for mutual help among users.

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TOPIC: cannot upload images to bookable items

cannot upload images to bookable items 10 years, 3 months ago #45876

I am using the latest version of BookIt, and have a problem.

I am attempting to upload an image in a bookable item, and cannot. I select the image, click upload and nothing happens.

There is a page in the faq section listing requirements to upload, and they are all met in the installation. I am using the standard htaccess file supplied by Joomla!, so that should not be a problem either.

Can you give me any help with this?

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Re: cannot upload images to bookable items 10 years, 2 months ago #45905

  • mitk

if you expect an answer from Artio team, please, use Support ticket - it can be found in your Artio user account --> left panel --> Support.
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