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considerations before purchuasing
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: considerations before purchuasing

considerations before purchuasing 13 years, 7 months ago #22967

Hi everyone!

I love this extension, but I'm new in there and I need some help/answers to see this component will suit my necessities.

1. We have the website in spanish, and the dates are pissing me off. I have the site in English while I configuring the complement, but the site will be in Spanish for production. So, i need the regional configuration for the custom settings and if there is any translation of the component or i must translate it.

2. Can we make the book it only with start date, the end will determined in the course of the meeting.

3. When I book a event, the next step ask me again for the cuantity and start/end date, there is a way of only ask a name, email and phone number?

Other things will help me is remove the pictures and description of the object, but I think that can be made commenting sections of code.

Thanks a lot!
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Re: considerations before purchuasing 13 years, 7 months ago #22968

  • lubi
  • Posts: 221

1. Spanish translation will be ready next week.
2. Not now. Component must be adjusted for that.
3. Yes, second step should be form to fill in email, phone, etc.

Remove some description is of course possible, just edit template.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: considerations before purchuasing 13 years, 7 months ago #22969

I navigathe thru the forum and I see the third point of my question.

I want to remove the capacity, from, to pris, deposit, receive, status. Is that possible (I want to have unregistered users booking)

The thread I mention is :

Also, u said me that are u working on the spanish translation, i've made some while i was waiting the answer, but thanks.

Can you tell me the custom time settings?
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Re: considerations before purchuasing 13 years, 7 months ago #22970

I can grant access to the page if its needed (adress: www [dot] psicos [dot] es)
Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by Diedura.
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Re: considerations before purchuasing 13 years, 7 months ago #22984

Solved, the problem i was logged with an administrator account.

Right now, I've still two questions.

1. Wich payments are supported, SERMEPA is included, if not, it's possible to modify to include it?

2. Can limit the reservations to one? I'll explain, we offer sessions, and the time will depend of the other side of the conversation, the client book a session, but it can take 20min to 90 min, but it only pay one hour.

Spanish translation, next week, but i`ve translated the front end component, but i've got problems with the time formats, so, the page is in English (but all text in spanish), I'll appreciate if someone can tell the correct custom time values.

Another question.

I 've selected monthly calendar by default, then, I want that the customer select a day and then switch to that dayly or week view and select the hour. How can i do that?

Again, thanks for your time.
Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by Diedura. Reason: adding.
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Re: considerations before purchuasing 13 years, 7 months ago #23041

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
1. This payment method isn't included.
2. This is feature for next version.
ARTIO Support Team
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