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[resolved] Can't select checkin and checkout dates
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: [resolved] Can't select checkin and checkout dates

[resolved] Can't select checkin and checkout dates 13 years, 11 months ago #21047

Hi ev'ryone.

I'm in trouble with frontend calendar on object details page.

When I try to make a reservation I can't select any day at all in the calendar, so I can't set checkin nor checkout dates at all.

There could it be a javascript problem, I suppose... or I just have to set something on object reservations?
Please, help me!!!


I just had to set price entries for the objects... But I've to set them according to the reserving period
i.e: the daytime fee is x, the weekend fee is y, the full week fee is z and one fee type excludes the other ones.
If I choose a week fee I would to select an entire week more than one single day and so on... but I think I should have to modify the code to have this feature...
Last Edit: 13 years, 11 months ago by frindel. Reason: problem solved
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