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[CLOSED] Paid with book it
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: [CLOSED] Paid with book it

[CLOSED] Paid with book it 14 years ago #20221


I would like to know how to charge the customer with online component

thank you
Last Edit: 13 years, 10 months ago by jitr.
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Re: Paid with book it 14 years ago #20229

  • jaku

so far Book it! is only reservation system. It does not accept or control payments for the reservation. Currently, these ned to be checked with external tools or manually.

However, this feature will be added for sure soon.
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Re: Paid with book it 14 years ago #20248

how can we add a button to paypal or other?
thank you
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Re: Paid with book it 14 years ago #20250

  • jaku

you would have to edit the frontend template. (e.g. the one where registration gets confirmed)
It uses standard Joomla 1.5 API, so it should be quite easy.
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Re: Paid with book it 14 years ago #20255

Thank you for the reply I have another question:

I have some reservation with the option:

For example
a) Base price: 20 €
b) Option 1: 25 €
c) Option 2: 30 €

The customer can choose either a or a + b or c or a + a + b + c
recess and the price changes I can not do
thank you

and where i can translate this english (see the attachement) it's not in the files to language ?

last question if i wan't delete or add field in the register ? thank you
Last Edit: 14 years ago by dingos.
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Re: Paid with book it 14 years ago #20272

could explain how to introduce a method of payment on the registration page? With some paypal plugin for joomla?
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