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Profile for X-Bit

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 22:45
  • Posts: 12
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The actual free download is version 1.1.6 and comptible to Joomla 2.5.1!

Thanks alot for still giving away the free version, positiv comment on JED will follow!
what happend to the ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Hello @ Artio-Team

I was looking for an Joomla 2.5 version of ARTIO Fusion chart as we used the free version of Joomla 1.5 which suited our needs.

As I may not find both of them, I would like to know what happend to the free version? Will there be any in future and for which Joomla versions will it be available?

Sorry if this is a silly question, but I really couldn´t find the link to the file, only the link to the pdf.

Thanks for a short feedback!
what happend to the ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
It is getting worse!

All the internal links are messed up, need some serious help here, PLEASE!
Pagination "more" gi ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello @all
Joomla: 1.5.22
JoomSEF: 3.8.1
PHP: 5.2.13

Since we changed the quantity of articles on our satrtpage, we face a huge problem.

At the end of the startpage we have the pagination, clicking on "more" does not show the correct following site, it jumps to another one, i.e. instead of showing page 2 it jumps to page 4! Purging the cache file did not bring any result.

I already searched the forum here and it seems, there are more customers facing the same problem. Please report how to get rid of this problem, as one can not use JoomSEF like that!

If you need access or want to see the problem, please let me know, as I did disable JoomSEF for now.
Pagination "more" gi ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Got the same problem here!!!

Any news on this one?
pagination going cra ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have the very same Problem today... how did you solve it?!
URGENT: The upgrade ...
Category: General
Yes, I saw it today!

Thanks alot for the info and lets see, how it will perform.
I will report back to you in some time.

DocMan Settings wron ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Any news on this one?!

My DB is getting huge :o
DocMan Settings wron ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
david wrote:

UPDATE: The new version of DOCman extension supporting DOCman 1.5 should be released in a few days.

Good news! Waiting for it, thanks for the info!
DocMan Settings wron ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I bought the extension yesterday and installed it on, a site which gives access to about 1.500 DocMan Documents.

I think you did not understand the point!

This site exists almost over 3 years and has a huge database of documents... there IS NO WAY to change to another document management system!

As you do have an extension for DocMan:

DOCman ARTIO s.r.o. 2.0.4 23. May 2010 2.0.4

I actually thought you know what you are talking from... please explain me the sense of an exetension for a Joomla 1.0 version (last free version of DocMan) updated 23. May 2010!!!


First, you really want to make me believe, that you are developing extensions without having an actual DocMan copy? I do not believe you!

Second, you really want to make me believe, that I am the first client with a DocMan question for Joomla 1.5.x? Again, sorry pal, cant believe you!

Third, dont try to sell my another horse, I already bought one!

Try not. Do or do not. There is no try. - Yoda
DocMan Settings wron ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
sorry for the push! But problem not solved until now!
DocMan Settings wron ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi @All!

I am new to ARTIO JoomSEF, so please be patient with me!

I bought the extension yesterday and installed it on, a site which gives access to about 1.500 DocMan Documents.

Everything worked good, there had been about 10.000 link created in the database, which I thought, is somehow much, as he is still adding links, about 100 each hour.

So I took a look at the JoomSEF URL-Manager and found some strange URls regarding DocMan.

They look all more or less the same way:

Real URL


Yes, I do know, that I enabled "Number duplicate URLs" at the Configuration, which I had to do because of many links pointing to the very same file or document.

Please explain me, where those URLs are coming from and how to prevent them, as I have the impression, that those URLs are getting more and more over the time. What can I do with those links in the database? Is it save to delete them?

Many thanks for your feedback and your appreciated help!

Joomla: 1.5.18

Extension Details Joom SEF
Name: DocMan
Version: 2.0.4
Beschreibung: Adds SEO support for DocMan component.

DOCman v1.5.8
DocMan Settings wron ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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