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Profile for webstuff

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I've tried to contact support and bought a support ticket but that is not even showing up on my account. So thought I would try here.
Is anybody else having this trouble with the SMS plugin.
My account page says unable to do calculation or similar so it looks like an error on the Artio servers and with my support ticket not showing up I think they may be not working correctly.
Really could do with help on this urgently as people in this day and age expect a text for delivery, purchase, etc.
Stopped working, ins ...
Category: VM SMS
Hi, me again small bug in 2.0.1 when I upgraded got the message:
"Could not obtain credit info from ARTIO server. Please check that your access credentials are correct and your ARTIO SMS Services account is active."
In Dashboard.

Also in server logs got:
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [JOOMLA_ROOT]/administrator/components/com_vmsms/models/dashboard.php on line 34, referer:[SITE_URL]/administrator/index.php?option=com_vmsms&view=help
[Wed Aug 21 17:01:49 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist:[WEB_ROOT]/artio15

Rolled back to 2.0.0 and all working again.

Hope this helps with debugging.
Could not obtain cre ...
Category: VM SMS
Thanks very much for the quick reply.
I hadn't understood that section properly :doh:
All working now. :-)
only use phone if th ...
Category: VM SMS
Just bought this and it works great.
This is probably a feature request but also it would mean I'm not wasting credits sending to numbers that can't receive texts.
Sometimes it sends to numbers beginning 01 or (+441 if international used).
Some of my customers use both phone entries for landline numbers some put the landline in phone_1 and mobile in phone_2 some the other way round.
Is there anyway to restrict sending of sms so it only happens if phone_1 or phone_2 begins with 07 or (+447), as this "prefix" is only used for mobile phones in the UK, otherwise it shouldn't send an sms?

only use phone if th ...
Category: VM SMS
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