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Profile for tfontana1

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:40
  • Posts: 3
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I have JoomSEF working with JomSocial at the aid the the extension and the custom profile urls work; however, I have this component from socialcode that allows group admins to change the group url. The url is displayed but when you try to use it you get a 404 error. Thankfully, you can still access the group normally. Is there any support for this, or does anyone have it or something else that allows custom group urls in JomSocial.

JomSocial Custom Gro ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I paid for JoomSEF and no I don't have JoomFish.
Nope - Doesn't Work
Category: JoomSEF 3
I was hoping that this would do the trick before I had to hit the road, (meaning that I will not be able to respond back in a few days...maybe), and even after reading that document/manual it just won't work. I'm able to get to the home page but then after that, forget it. The only thing I can comment about that might be helpful in determining the problem is that when I click on a link and it doesn't work I'm not moved to my custom 404 page or even goDaddy's but instead I see the "Oops Page Not Found" page talking about FTP.


I turned off mod_rewrite and SEF.
Nope - Doesn't Work
Category: JoomSEF 3
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