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Profile for spottedhaggis

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 00:46
  • Posts: 3
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IF I leave Artio Joomsef enabled all images for the zoo application pages are missing. As soon as I turn of Joomsef the images all re-appear with no issue.

I have looked at the FAQ, and the base path is correctly set in the htaccess file, so Im not entirely sure how to fix this.
images mising from z ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
My problem came from nothing, I did nothing was doing nothing it just started happening.

Clear all local and web caches, including those inside Joomla, I then purge the sef urls, and the sef cash.

open chrome, FF or IE and go to the home page, works perfect.
Click on any link in the site, this works perfect, now click on any link, or home, and you are taken to the same page
The only way to fix it is to purge the sef, but then as soon as another link is clicked that link becomes the default page for everything.

Looking at the SEF urls, there are no duplicates and all lages look unique.

I uninstall all aspects of Joomsef, install again and same issue,.
everything goes to s ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I have a similar issue, however am unable to install it again.

I had issues and uninstalled Artio Joomsef to troubleshoot, it did not solve the issue however re-installation is an issue.

Is there a way to manually install, since the DB files remain in tact?
update ARTIO JoomSEF ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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