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Profile for southern

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Ok all, here is something strange. I am having to do a reinstall on my site and still have everything like is stated above. The only that I have done different is that I have not installed the Community Builder Ext Plugin for JoomSEF. If I don't have it, my links look like this:

That is closer to what they need to be, but still can't figure out why the ext is not working.
Please Help Links No ...
Category: Extensions
Well, here's the issue, I have been having this problem a lot longer than with this edition. I had submitted a post about this before, see here, when I was using the following:

Joomla! 1.5.23
Community Builder 1.4
JoomSEF 3.8.1 (paid version)
CB Ext 2.0.0 (date is shown to be June 5 2008)

In order to keep up with security changes, etc., that is when I upgraded to Joomla! 1.5.25, JoomSef 3.9.2 and Community builder 1.7.1. Every since I got this extension, I have not been able to create the links like they should look for CB.
Please Help Links No ...
Category: Extensions
Please, I need some help on this. I am running JoomSEF 3.9.2 on a site running Joomla! 1.5.25. We have Community Builder 1.7.1 on the site as well. I have the CB extension for JoomSEF and have installed it, uninstalled it and reinstalled it several times. It shows that the extension version is 2.0.0. I am currently running the profile links as JoomSEF basic rewriting which makes the links show up like:

instead of being

When I try to use the ext. set to JoomSEF extension, it only makes all the links as one and only links to one profile. I know someone out there has this same problem and hope that someone has an idea of how to fix this. Please, please help me fix this.

Thanks and Happy New Years.
Please Help Links No ...
Category: Extensions
Is there still no answer to this issue. Would like to get the CB links looking like the rest in our site.
Profile URL Communit ...
Category: Extensions
{I deleted my other post in another section of the forum}

This is something that really needs to be looked into. I am having a similar problem when using JoomSEF (paid version). As the other posters have stated, when I have JoomSEF turned on and the Community Builder Ext set to JoomSEF Handler (Common Tab), my site gives me the following links, which should all lead to our newest member for example:

Total Membership Module:

Then we have a menu item to go to the complete users list which is (see further down for more info):

And we have a menu item for the required User Profile link, which shows:

Now back to the Userlist page, when you click on the page the link to the same user (and all users for that matter) is the following;

Another thing, is that is also shows the same type of links (just above) for members that are logged in, under the who's online module. For example:
If I hover over my username being logged in, it shows
All other users are shown as

Also, the edit profile option does not work while the ext is running in the above settings.

Now, if I change the setting for JoomSEF Basic rewriting, we get the following for the same example user above:

Total Membership Module:

User list menu link:

Required profile menu item:

User link as shown on the user list page:

In the Who's online, I get the following for the ones listed above:
My user profile:
Other logged in user:

I wish I know more about making the ext.'s and understanding how they work, especially for JoomSEF and I would try and sit down to figure it out, but I have no understanding of them and looking at them I don't want to try right now.

Here is the information for my site that will be helpful, I currently have left the ext set to the Basic Rewriting, and would be will to help test any new version that you can come up with. Unlike some of the others, I don't mind if the link includes user-profile or userprofile, as long as its consistent.

Joomla! 1.5.23
Community Builder 1.4
JoomSEF 3.8.1 (paid version)
CB Ext 2.0.0 (date is shown to be June 5 2008)

Other items as well, but does not seem to be having an issues with.

Again, I am more than willing to make my site a test site (even though its live), since the ext can be removed and replaced if needed. Really would like to get this site to show in what I would consider a proper format.

Please help.
Profile URL Communit ...
Category: Extensions
Don't know why, but if I change the config setting in JoomSEF to "Prefer JoomSEF titles" it works correctly, show the page title and site title.

I don't like that as I normally would prefer to use the standard Joomla page title I create when making the page and still have the sitename show behind it.

Am I correct in that it has to be set this way to work correctly, like I want? Meaning that it has to be set you yes in order for the system to either show page name - site name or site name - page name.
Missing Site Name On ...
Category: JoomSEF
If anyone has found a way to correct this, please let me know. I am now working on a second site, complete fresh install of all items and its still now showing up like it should. I only get the page title and no site name
Missing Site Name On ...
Category: JoomSEF
I have just downloaded a fresh copy of JoomSEF 3.8.1, this is also on a fresh install Joomla site 1.5.22. I have setup everything like I have on my other sites, expect most of them are using an older JoomSEF. On this new site and ones also using version 3.7.6, it will not show the Page Name - Site Name, like it should.

It only shows what the page name is. It is not including the site name. Yes i have check the settings to be sure they are on and according to JoomSEF's control panel, under Title and Meta Tags, its set as Yes - after page title.

Please help would like to get this working like it should and make sure that its correct in JoomSEF before I upgrade an of my remaining sites. You can see our site at
Missing Site Name On ...
Category: JoomSEF
What is the difference between using XML-Sitemap and the new JoomSEF Sitemap option?

One of the main things I see is that using XML-Sitemap, I am able to setup a cron job to have it run and update my sitemap XML file every evening. Can JoomSEF do that, or do I have to run the generate button each time I want to change the sitemap?

Please show me other pro's before I start using this option. If you are not familiar with XML-Sitemap, you can check them out here
What is the differen ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Ok, I have a simple question. I have a page or two that are on our site, but are not created by Joomla!. While Artio JoomSEF has the ability to create sitemaps, we currently use XML Sitemaps. For what ever reason, we wish to continue to use this for now, so how can I add a manual custom link in JoomSEF to be sure that its included in its system?

Normally, you use the sef link you want and the joomla link starting with index.pjp?, but if our link is not generated by joomla and does not have a index.php?, how can you add it to SEF url page or does it matter?
How to create a cums ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have it working right now, because I created a manually added link, but I want to know how to make it be accepted without having to manually add it. Thanks
404 Error on hard co ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I am working on a website for our non-profit and need to get his issue resolved rather quickly. Just want to know how to hard-code links into a template and know that they will be included in the JoomSEF without having to add them manually.
404 Error on hard co ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have JoomSEF 3.6.5 on my site (had problem with 3.6.3 also). On my template, at the bottom, I hard coded a url to our privacy policy and when its clicked on, it gives a 404 error.

Now if I take that same page and make a menu item and click on it, the page is viewable. After that has been done, I can delete the menu and still reach the page via the hard coded link at the bottom. But if I purge the url's because I updated something, I lose it.

Why will it not "accept" hard coded link on the site?

If I can't make it hard coded, ie:
<a href="">
which is typed directly into the html in the template, then what can I do to add it as part of the html on the template and still have JoomSEF handle it?

The site in question is at
404 Error on hard co ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I wish to thank you for your reply. I just now logged into the system and tried it again and it now seems to be working correctly. Did not change anything that I know of, have not even messed with the site since I made my post, so I don't know.

I will keep an eye on it and will let you know if there is any more trouble and see what we need to do. Thanks

JoomSEF Not Working ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have done a complete new install of my Joomla website and JoomSef.

Joomla Site is 1.5.18
JoomSEF is 3.6.3

But its not working. When I go to the Global Config section and make the changes I want, it does not save or apply. When I click either link, nothing happens, and I can even go to another section in my Joomla admin areas with out using the back arrow to go to a previous page.

I have created a standard admin that you can use to check the problem. Please contact me for the login information.
JoomSEF Not Working ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Yes, please post.

Upgrade Error
Category: JoomSEF 3
What is your actual website URL?

That type of link you are showing is how Core Joomla! makes links in your site. I got a site running Joomla! 1.0.x with JoomSEF installed + Joom SEF Patch Extended and I have no problem with links on my site. Check them out here at

I also use JCE for my WYSIWYG editor and it has an item included that makes it easier to add both external link and internal links with out much work. In fact on the internal links it allows to to get your link into your page by choosing what type of content its, ie. static, file, sec/cat, etc. and you choose the item and it handles inserting the link, then JoomSEF provides a correctly formatted link to where it goes, both on the surface, of the page, if you use the link also as the wording or link certain words (normal links) the source code and the destitation on hover show just where its supposed to go.

I am still fairly new to all of this, but if you need help, please feel free to contact me and I will see what I can do for you.
Links not show actua ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Trying to upgrade from JoomSEF 3.0.0 to 3.0.2 and I get the following error

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare deldir() (previously declared in /home/.tonga/kccert/ in /home/.tonga/kccert/ on line 41"

Please Help
Upgrade Error
Category: JoomSEF 3
It has been known in the free versions that these hidden ads are there. They called it sponsors ads. As the other poster has stated, you have to find the hidden code in the files. But be aware that this might not be legal under any EULA that they include. I know these items are being released under GPL, but that does not mean that you can just rip the code out, if they made an issue on it.

I have done some mods that help to prevent these on our sites. Though I do provide a link back to here.
SEO spam links
Category: JoomSEF 3
In Joomla! 1.0.x, does the Global Cache need to be turned on in order to work with JoomSef or will the JoomSef Cache work by itself? How about if you have Page Cache installed on the site? Will that affect JoomSef?
Global Cache
Category: JoomSEF 3
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