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Profile for sigreer83

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I realise in the forum posts that it says be patient, but it was 10 days ago that I originally posted this problem and I've just had a 30 second response which didn't help so far.

It's a big flaw on my site and affecting my conversion rate.

Post is:

Can someone please r ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Any ideas?
JoomlaExperts Purcha ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi there

Thanks for the reply.

Please see the screenshots below:

JoomlaExperts Purcha ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi there

I'm having the same problem with my site that I've been experiencing for a while, on two different servers and two different builds of Joomla. It's frustrating the life out of me, and I do hope you can help...

Joomla version 1.5.7
JoomSEF version 3.1.0
Virtuemart version 1.1.2
Virtuemart extension version 2.0

I use a Virtuemart module on the front page, which has a list of all of the categories within the shop. The problem is, when one of these categories is clicked for the first time, it automatically defaults to the ROOT folder of the shop. Sure enough if you click a category again it goes to the correct place, but I can't get it to go to the correct category first time.

I would appreciate your suggestions on this one.

Many thanks

JoomlaExperts Purcha ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I've replaced the override itemID in the Virtuemart settings with '1' so that it uses the homepage and it seems to be working for now.

I remember there was a reason for me leaving the override blank in the first place but I can't remember what it was now. I shall possibly be whinging again shortly ;-)
Breadcrumb error & f ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Can noone help with with this problem?

I am amazed that noone has experienced this problem before, as I have had it twice with two different installs on two different hosters...

I'm really twiddling my thumbs!


Breadcrumb error & f ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
No it's still not working correctly.

If you click on one of the top menu items to bring up a content item (say Technology>thin client), and then click on one of the items from the buy online menu on the left (say - Thin Client > Chip PC > Evaluation Kits), the breadcrumb trail is:

Home > Technology > Thin client > Chip PC > Thin Client > Chip PC > Evaluation Kits

It should read:

Home > Thin Client > Chip PC > Evaluation Kits

Can you double check and let me know if this is any different for you?

Thanks for the help


Breadcrumb error & f ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi there.

I'm using:
Joomla 1.5.7
virtuemart 1.1.2
JoomSEF 3.1.0 + Virtuemart plugin
Database version 4.1.22-standard
PHP 5.2.6
On Linux/Apache

I'm experiencing a problem that I have had before. In fact two problems that I believe are probably linked. I experienced the same problems before moving and completing rebuilding my Joomla website with a different hosting provider.

Problem 1:
Breadcrumbs always include the path to the last article or item that was being viewed. For instance if I was viewing a content article from 'home/technology/virtualization' and I clicked the shop category 'thin client' from that page, the breadcrumb for the new virtuemart page would be 'home/technology/virtualization/thin client'.

I read your sticky that explains that I need to change a line of code in a virtuemart php file, which I have done. This has unfortunately had no effect, even after clearing the cache within JoomSEF.

One other point to note is that this problem wasn't there when I first installed JoomSEF and Virtuemart onto my new hosting package. I've only noticed this problem since changing a couple of settings around in order to resolve another problem (the problem was related to menu modules not showing up due to incorrect itemid's being generated).

Problem 2:
When my homepage is loaded (, the virtuemart all-in-one module loads down the left hand side. When I click on a link for a category, for instance 'virtualization/citrix xenserver' (or ANY other category), the root category of the webstore is loaded by default. If I click again it goes to the correct category (with the wrong breadcrumb - as described above).

I don't really have any idea where to start looking. I'm still getting to grips with JoomSEF and don't want to start knob twiddling just yet, as there's so many settings, I'll probably end up irreparably screwing with it.

Many thanks for any help.


Breadcrumb error & f ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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