Does JoomSEF purport to track conversions in Google Analytics?
Is it supposed to work, or does JoomSEF just not do this?
I ask because I have JoomSEF 4.6.4 installed with the Virtuemart 3.1.5 extension.
I have turned on Google Analytics in JoomSEF and I get all my traffic information in Google Analytics.
However I do not get any Ecommerce conversion information. Does the JoomSEF Module implement the Conversion pixel so that we can see the ECommerce analytics? If so, do I have to do something to configure the module correctly?
JoomSEF and Google A ...
Posted 9 years ago
by shimonmh
Do you disable any part of JoomSEF ?
Google Analytics - E ...
Posted 9 years ago
by shimonmh
I have JoomSEF 4.6.4 installed with the Virtuemart 3.1.5 extension.
I have turned on Google Analytics and I get all my traffic information in Google Analytics.
However I do not get any Ecommerce conversion information. Does Module implement the Conversion pixel so that we can see the ECommerce analytics? If so, do I have to do something to configure the module correctly?
Google Analytics - E ...
Posted 9 years ago
by shimonmh
It fixed itself by magic.
The only thing that I did was disable one plugin. AdminExile. This protects the URL of your administrator login.
Does this plugin conflict with JOOMSEF ?
I am afraid to enable it again to test it.
SEF URLs not generat ...
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
by shimonmh
I purchased and installed JoomSEF & VM bundle. At first everything seemed to be OK but now things are not working well. I have several problems
1) Due to issues (as explained below) I purged and updated the URL's . The update stopped at 0. After waiting 5 minutes I clicked finish. I repeated the process. Now it stops at 7 URL's.
2) The URL's being generated changed and the ones being generated now are not as good.
a) For manufacturers what used to be generated was like: mysite.com/products/list-all-products/Man-Name
now it is generating
b) items used to generate URL's like
now it generates
or sometmes
This is screwing up all my google ads.
how did this get broken and more importantly how can I fix it ... quickly
SEF URLs not generat ...
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
by shimonmh
Screen shot
JoomSEF breaks pagin ...
Posted 11 years, 1 month ago
by shimonmh
JoomSEF was working, but every once and a while it breaks product pagination. If I disable JoomSEF and re-enable it is often alright.... for a while.
Lets say I view a category that has 60 items, with 20 item on a page = 3 pages.
If I view page 1 - all is fine.
If I click "Next Page" or the "2" for page 2, I get page 1 again. If click page 3, I get page 1 again.
Please help.
Joomla 2.5.17
JoomSEF 4.5.1
Virtumart extension 3.0.18
VM 2.0.24c
JoomSEF breaks pagin ...
Posted 11 years, 1 month ago
by shimonmh
You wrote me:
Dear Shimon,
The meta tags generation is controlled by each JoomSEF extension separately. For articles, the page title tag is generated only if you enable "Add category to page title" or "Add page number to page title" option in Content extension's parameters.
The "Metadata auto-generation" option in JoomSEF's Configuration controls whether the description or keywords tag is stored in database when the extension generates it. So if the extension doesn't generate the tag, it can't be stored even if the option is set to Always.
I'm sorry for the confusion.
With kind regards,
Jozefov David
ARTIO Support Team
I do not understand your response.
I am using the Virtuemart extension.
My problem is the Meta-titles I am not asking about articles. I am only interested in products in the Virtuemart store.
I do not see and parameters in the Virtuemart extension to allow me to see the meta-titles in the back end.
Please provide me with exact instructions what to check/set etc to get Meta titles.
Meta Title not showi ...
Posted 11 years, 2 months ago
by shimonmh
Thank you for your response.
I read the documentation, unfortunately it does not say much about the subject.
I had Meta-titles set up. i.e. Enable Meta Tags management: was set to Yes.
I changed "Metadata auto-generation:" from "Only if Original Empty" to "Always"
I had "Prefer JoomSEF titles:" set to Yes and it still is Yes.
On the "Manga Meta Tags" tab, the first column "Meta Title" is still blank.
How do I get the see the Meta Titles?
Meta Title not showi ...
Posted 11 years, 2 months ago
by shimonmh
When I look in the back end, in the "Manage Meta Tags" the first column "Meta Title" is empty for all my items. The actual HTML code shows Meta Titles, but I would like to be able to see them and edit them from the back end.
Artio 4.5.1
VM extension 3.0.18
Virtue Mart 2.0.24c
Joomla 2.5.16
Meta Title not showi ...
Posted 11 years, 3 months ago
by shimonmh
I purchased the Virtuemart bundle one week ago.
The keys that I received are not recognized.
I wrote Artio and the re-sent the keys that I have, but they still do not work.
I can not post to the paid support forum for some reason.
They have not responded in 4 days since I sent them screen shots of how the keys are not recognized.
Very frustrating trying to get support.
ARTIO is ignoring me
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago
by shimonmh
I downloaded the file and uploaded it from my computer.
It worked.
You will obtain the ...
Posted 13 years, 10 months ago
by shimonmh
I just purchased the JoomSEF + Virtuemart extension.
I have Joomla! 1.5.15 Stable.
I entered the ext_joomsef3_virtuemart.zip ID into Configuration-> Registration - > JoomSEF Download ID:
I entered my Artio User Name - > and password
On Upgrade it shows my name and company under Registered to:
I clicked on Reinstall from Artio Server (as per the FAQ). It shows me a box with "You will obtain the Non-Paid version of JoomSEF. Are you sure you want to use the automatic upgrade from server".
I click cancel, because I want the paid version that I paid for.
How do I get it to upgrade to the paid version?
You will obtain the ...
Posted 13 years, 10 months ago
by shimonmh
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