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Profile for shakensoul

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Any update on the approx ETA of the new version ... :)

Also I noticed, after registration, a user is redirected to the empty cart screen with the activation message :(
Virtuemart checkout ...
Category: Extensions
Also noticed another issue

Currently using Virtuemart extension version 2.0.34

I am using the virtuemart login module and set the options to redirect to the page from where the user logged in or logged out

When a user logs in from the homepage, he is redirected to the page "Welcome to the registered user area of our site" and if he logs from the homepage, he is redirected to a blank page.

If a user logs in or logs out from any other page, it works fine and the user is redirected to the same page.

Any ideas ?
Virtuemart checkout ...
Category: Extensions
Hi, Any update to the issue ?
Virtuemart checkout ...
Category: Extensions
Edit : Reverted back to virtuemart extension 2.0.34 and it is working.

Please fix the updated version.
Virtuemart checkout ...
Category: Extensions
Hi All,

I have a downloadable virtuemart store. Previously if the price was zero, the checkout was working and the checkout screen used to proceed to the confirmation screen and the order could be completed.

Now if the price is zero, it does not proceed when clicking on the checkout button. Disabling Joomsef, the order proceeds.

The product link is

Firefox gives an error,
The page isn't redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

and the url points to;checkout_stage=4

I have disabled shipping methods because all products are downloadable.

Product with prices work fine and order can be completed.

I would appreciate if someone can have a look as this is an important feature of our store :(

Login credentials for testing -
username - Demo_User
Password - demo123

JoomSEF version 3.9.2
Virtuemart extension 2.1.0
VirtueMart 1.1.9
Joomla Version 1.5.23

I have purged sef urls, cleared the cache and updated the urls but issue still persists.
Virtuemart checkout ...
Category: Extensions
Edit - It started working...will report again if it does not work.
Virtuemart Checkout ...
Category: Extensions
Here are the details,

Joomla Version 1.5.23
VirtueMart Version 1.1.9 stable
ARTIO JoomSEF 3.8.2
VirtueMart JoomSEF 3 Extension 2.0.34
Order No. 19782

Website -

When cart checkout sef url option is enabled, when clicking on checkout, it gives an error in firefox
The page isn't redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept

The checkout url looks like this;checkout_stage=4

Disabling the option works fine with checkout.

Steps tried - Set Server QUERY_STRING is set to "Yes"
"Set page base href value" option to "No - disable base href generation".

Support would be appreciated.
Virtuemart Checkout ...
Category: Extensions
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