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After upgrading to 3.8.4 today, I got this error:

Fatal error: Cannot declare class JText, because the name is already in use in [....]/components/com_sef/helpers/methods.php on line 104

After renaming JText to something else, it worked fine.

I believe you have seen this already, anyways.

Error after upgradin ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

Using latest JS ann VM extenstions (full versions).

In Main Menu the first item is "CategoryA" which points to a Category A in the VM.
My Home page is set to another menu.

The URLs to the cart and checkout are something like:

and so on.

This is some bad behaviour of the vm extension.
Yes, I can edit each url, but it shouldnt do this in the first place.

Note that the checkout has another problem.

During address fill up, VM's Jquery calls a ajax function to fill a country states.
The problem is that this call is done throught a relative URL (index.php?....).
This means that the call will be done in the same path as in the URL, in this case the /categorya/ path which does not exist.

VM should fix this (not sure if they want to).
So does the VM SEF extenstion. It should be aware of the problem. (and not use the /categorya/ in the URLs).

So far the solution is to edit each url with an address fill form to not be outsite the site root
or to change the BASE href to the site root (which might break some templates).

best regards

bad SEF URLs with VM ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
If I play around with links/JRouter to add a new GET variable, would JomSEF preserve it?
New SEF Variables
Category: JoomSEF 4
I am looking for a way to register the browser class in the URL itself.

The idea itself is similar to what is done already for language.

For example:
instead of:

to have:

The idea of letting not so often changing pages to be cached, is very good. However, it is not good if the page is not the same for every browser (e.g. mobile).

So, this would register in the URL the class of browser this page is meant for.

Is it possible to be done as a Joomsef extension?

Please, I need some directions.

New SEF Variables
Category: JoomSEF 4
Joomla 1.7.0
JCE 2.0.11
Joomsef 4.1.0

When opening a inline popup inside the editor in the frontend, the content is a 404 page.

All JCE extensions that uses popup are now inline (TinyMCE thing).

The reason for this is the option in JoomSEF "Redirect nonSEF URLs to SEF URLs".
Disabling this option everything works fine.

OTOH, this is a great option to have enable.

Playing with the extensions options for JCE does not help.
No handler can fix this, even "dont sef" option.

So, whats going on?
JoomSef not playing ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Forgot to mention that this was only tested on 2.3.0 on J! 1.0.x, but I believe 3.0.x might have the same problem too.

[BUG] +[PATCH] - Bad ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

Some times, Joomsef will try to redirect nonSEF URLs to SEF urls (if this option is on) but it does not check if the
"SEF" url is the same as the non-SEF original one.
Then this will cause a loophole of infinite redirections.

This patch solves this problem:

diff -Nru com_joomsef-2.3.0-orig/joomsef.php com_joomsef-2.3.0-rsd1/joomsef.php
--- com_joomsef-2.3.0-orig/joomsef.php 2008-08-05 14:49:50.000000000 -0300
+++ com_joomsef-2.3.0-rsd1/joomsef.php 2008-08-29 23:57:56.000000000 -0300
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
$lnk = sefRelToAbs(str_replace($base, '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
- if( strpos($lnk, 'index.php?') === false ) {
+ if( strpos($lnk, 'index.php?') === false && ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] !== $base . $lnk) ) {
// Seems the URL is SEF, let's redirect
$f = $l = '';
if (!headers_sent($f, $l)) {
[BUG] +[PATCH] - Bad ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

When generating url for non COM_CONTENT component, ARTIO JoomSEF can associate the URLwith a wrong itemid.

This is happening to me with the COM_MYCONTENT component.

Suppose there is a section named 'A' and a category named 'B'.

Using mycontent, an author+ can create a item titled 'C'.

When saving the item, mycontent generates a view of the item in the same way it is generated for com_content.

In this example the generated URL is:

[base url]/B/C.html
[base url]/A/B/C.html

in the same way that it would be generated by the regular COM_CONTENT handler/plugin.

The problem with this is:

* When accessing this item for the first time, thru com_content,
no URL generation happens as it is already there.

* This URL is associated with com_mycontent and not com_content

- com_mycontent URLS does not preserves attributes like
# expiration date
# published or not
# show intro or not
(this is because what com_mycontent shows is more like a preview
to the author.)

* The itemid associated with the SEF URL points to the com_mycontent
menu item and not to a \"correct one\" which Joomla! would scan for.

- Because of this a visitor that does not have the same Access Level
as the mycontent menu item is published cannot view the item.
(unless the menu item to access com_mycontent is \"public\").

I am not sure if what is needed is just a better plugin for com_mycontent. But I am sure that URLS in the format:
[ (section) ]/(category)/(item).html
Should only be used with com_content component and not in others (unless the other component has a plugin to specific do it).

[Bug] with no COM_CO ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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