Yep, around like 96... change
"$category->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($category->slug, $category->section).'&layout=default');"
"$category->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($category->slug, $category->section));"
Still getting duplic ...
Posted 15 years, 11 months ago
by rbnaion
Hey just wanted to update that I think it's all fixed now. I removed the "default layout" string from the views.html.php file and then just updated all the URLs with custom redirects, and now everything works great, no dups and all the menus have the correct URLs
Thanks for your help, I will be posting a positive review of JoomSEF on the extensions site.
Still getting duplic ...
Posted 15 years, 11 months ago
by rbnaion
Still getting some duplicate URLs, is there someway I can PM you actual examples? I dont want to post links to the site here because it's in development
I have isolated one of the dup links.
"layout=default" seems to be getting added to the Old URLs thus creating many of these dups
index.php?option=com_content&id=6&layout=default&view=category&Itemid=2 with a SEF URL of /food-spread-news
index.php?option=com_content&id=6&view=category&Itemid=2 gets the URL /food-spread-10 and it shows up in the category link of the article, instead of food-spread-news
I feel like I'm missing some obvious setting here that will prevent all of this
Still getting duplic ...
Posted 15 years, 11 months ago
by rbnaion
jan wrote:
is this content created using default content component or is it add-on component.
Check what is the original non-seo URL for each of this links, that you give you a hint, why the links like that are created. Also, paste the non-seo URLs here please, so we can see them.
Just normal Joomla content.... Sections, Categories and Articles
For example:
both point to the same content/page, and JoomSef is creating URLs food-spreads and food-spreads-2 because of this. I've tried checking both "exclude source info (ItemID)" and "Ignore multiple instances" and deleting the duplicate URLs but they keep coming back. More importantly they keep showing up in dynamically generated menus, so in one part of the site I have a link "/food-spreads" and then in another part it's linking to "/food-spreads-2" - it wouldn't be as big of a problem if this wasn't happening.
There has to be a way to prevent this, I know sh404Sef handles these duplicate URLs automatically
Thanks in advance for you assistance
Still getting duplic ...
Posted 15 years, 11 months ago
by rbnaion
Any word on this? The Duplicate URLs isn't an issue in sh404SEF
Still getting duplic ...
Posted 15 years, 11 months ago
by rbnaion
Was wondering if you could help me out. I bought Artio JoomSEF, and for the most part it works great. However I am still getting duplicate URLs despite having turned on "Exclude source info (Itemid)" and "Ignore multiple sources (Itemids)"
It happens mostly with sections. For example, I'll have a section called "Food Spreads" with a SEF url of food-spreads. Whenever an additional article is created under that section it creates duplicate URLs like:
and so, even though these articles have their own custom SEF URLs or redirects. I can delete them but they keep reappearing. And now the menu item will only default to food-spreads-2 instead of "food-spreads"
Any ideas on how to prevent this?
Still getting duplic ...
Posted 15 years, 11 months ago
by rbnaion
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