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Profile for rabipoudel

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Is there any better way to assign numbering for joomdoc documents. Please help me. I need to assign numbering for documents listed in joomdoc.
Numbering for Docume ...
Category: JoomDOC

This is due to your current language file is not complete, or these words are not defined in your language file.

You can find the language file for JoomDoc component in *JoomlaDirectory*/Components/com_joomdoc/views/themes/default/language/*YourLanguageName*.php

Simply add lines in the file, such as:

define('_DML_TPL_CAT_VIEW', "Downloads Home");
define('_DML_TPL_CATS', "Categories");

The later section eg: "Downloads Home" or "Categories" can be edited for your language. The front section eg: '_DML_TPL_CAT_VIEW' must not be altered or edited.

If you don't have the language file, simply copy english.php into *YourLanguageName*.php and edit the file.
Category: JoomDOC
Thanks for you response. I make some customization around there and overall I am satisfied with the look. I think we can also change the document list into tabular view by changing the code. But that seems difficult.

I succeed to add add numbering by altering the file list.tpl.php and list_item.tpl.php (/components/com_joomla/views/themes/default/templates/documents/):

Just change line 58-61 with follwing lines of list.tpl.php:

foreach($this->items as $item) :
$this->doc = &$item; //add item to template variables
include $this->loadTemplate('documents/list_item.tpl.php');

and in the list_item.tpl.php insert <li> tag in line 54 and </li> at last.

This tweak will add numbering for each document. Please suggest me if you have better solution.

Still there is some problem. The numbering starts from 1 for each page. isn't there any method to continue the same numbering upto last of the document. i.e. document numbering must start from 6 in page 2, 11 in page 3 and so on.

Thank you.
tabular llook for Do ...
Category: JoomDOC
Please help.
I need simple tabular layout with numbering for document list (like Rubberdoc). How it is possible. Please suggest. Where should I change the file. and Please post some coding to assign numbering.
Thank you in advance.
tabular llook for Do ...
Category: JoomDOC
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