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Profile for petham

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:16
  • Posts: 3
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Hello Johannes,

To translate your extension JoomDOC 2.0.2 into French you should do tree steps:
1.Translate the language file: /language/en-GB/en-GB.com_joomdoc.ini
into french and saved it as: /language/fr-FR/fr-FR.com_joomdoc.ini
2.Translate the two language files:
/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_joomdoc_common.ini and
into french and save it as:
3.Translate the language file:
into french, but don’t change the name. Although the content of the file is the french translation, the name of file stays:

The translation is not so much work. If you can find somewhere the french language files of DOCman 1.4.0, you can use them almost completely.

Good luck,
Language files
Category: JoomDOC
Hi Apartisan,

I tested your proposal to solve the language file problem. But for me it did not work.
When I rename the file ‘components/com_joomdoc/views/themes/default/language/english.php’ to ‘components/com_joomdoc/views/themes/default/language/nl-NL.php’, Joomla comes with the warning:

Warning: include_once(/home/peterham/public_html/schrift15a/components/com_joomdoc/views/themes/default/language/english.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/peterham/public_html/schrift15a/administrator/components/com_joomdoc/classes/DOCMAN_theme.class.php on line 105

It’s clear that the software keeps searching for a file named ‘english.php’, even when Joomla is configured for Dutch or another language.

To solve the problem, I make a workaround and keep the name ‘english.php’ for the file with the Dutch translation in it. That works OK, but it is not the way this kind of problems should be solved.
Language files
Category: JoomDOC

First of all thanks for this nice extension JoomDOC.
I want to install JoomDOC 2.0.2 for a Joomla 1.5.20 website in Dutch language.
I did following steps:
1. I translated the language file:
into dutch and saved it as:
2. I translated the language files:
/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_joomdoc_common.ini and
into dutch and saved it as:
/administrator/language/nl-NL/nl-NL .com_joomdoc_common.ini

I thought the job was done. But apparently not yet. I noticed that in the frontside still some english words are used. They seem to come from the langauage file:

So I translated this file and saved it as:
But that did not solve the problem.

Can anybody advise me how to deal with this language files. I think it’s rather confusing.
Thanks in advance.
Language files
Category: JoomDOC
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