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Profile for nrgiemedia

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 19:52
  • Posts: 5
  • Profile Views: 4043
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There is support for these extensions paid??
JomSocial Ext 3.1.16 ...
Category: Extensions
Help me please! Jomsocial ext 3.1.16 for JoomSEF 4.4.1 not working! Is there someone who can help me set it up? When I save the preferences of the profile or try to create a photo album, after clicking the "save" button I get "Error 500". If the extension does work off all regularly. Please help me to solve the problem.
JomSocial Ext 3.1.16 ...
Category: Extensions
nrgiemedia wrote:
The latest version of the plugin for jomsocial, joomsed 4, on Jomsocial 2.6.2, on joomla 2.5.8 creates problems of addresses.
Let me explain: a menu item pointing to your user profile, but the url address (with the plugin set JoomSEF handler) aims to
Why aims at "change-profile-picture" and not at "profile" ?
This also happens with all other url and their sub-categories. Eg: All events, aims to "My Events" .... What is the exact configuration for this plugin?
Please, try it yourself, registered a profile on and then browse our site, look at the generated urls (now the plugin is set to Default joomla router) but the url are not exact more ...

Thanks for your assistance

No one can help me?
jomsocial sef error ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
The latest version of the plugin for jomsocial, joomsed 4, on Jomsocial 2.6.2, on joomla 2.5.8 creates problems of addresses.
Let me explain: a menu item pointing to your user profile, but the url address (with the plugin set JoomSEF handler) aims to
Why aims at "change-profile-picture" and not at "profile" ?
This also happens with all other url and their sub-categories. Eg: All events, aims to "My Events" .... What is the exact configuration for this plugin?
Please, try it yourself, registered a profile on and then browse our site, look at the generated urls (now the plugin is set to Default joomla router) but the url are not exact more ...

Thanks for your assistance
jomsocial sef error ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I have the exact same problem but with the rss easy to blog, if I click on "Subscribe via RSS" returns me wrong ... if I click on the icon Feed Rss page in joomla easy blog does not work, charging the same page.
easyblog + joomsef
Category: JoomSEF 4
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