I restricted the creation of new url's as planned, and limited the behaviour down to the specific SEF URL's that i wanted.
I turned on inclusion of the Itemid in the url, and still no luck.
I was really hoping that a duplication issue was the cause of the trouble. It appears as though it is not the case though.
Any other suggestions?
Oh, and as a clarification, the template doesn't work wholesale based on the Itemid. THe only reason the template loads at all is because the template I'm using is also flagged as the default template. So it has to do with however the determination of loading a template based on the Itemid is being made.
JoomSEF ignores temp ...
Posted 12 years, 3 months ago
by nerivon
I thought I was but now I'm starting to wonder. I will try restricting the creation of new urls and pare the list down to only the single desired url to ensure that this is not the case. Will report back within the day. Thank you for replying so quickly!
JoomSEF ignores temp ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by nerivon
Ok, after hours of research and head scratching, I've discovered the following;
I tried changing around the configuration in JoomSEF so that the Itemid is appended to the end of the SEF URL.
That Works
However, that's not the desired functionality so of course I kept hunting.
The Itemid seems to be only a symptom of the problem. If I enable including the Itemid in the SEF URL it seems to still work properly, the template however I know is not changing. The only template that will come up is the DEFAULT template.
So this indicated to me that the Itemid was in fact not being loaded somewhere properly. This led me into the core files trying to identify where exactly the determination for which template to load was happening. I still haven't definitively found the code that does this. What I did find out is that the JMenu->getActive was returning nothing at one point in the includes/application.php file. Again, tied to the Itemid problem.
JoomSEF ignores temp ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by nerivon
I know this is an old post now, but I gave up back then and just "lived with it". Now the client is seriously wanting SEF url's working. So I'm at this again, and the same problem continues to frustrate me.
Basically, I know that the Itemid is loaded properly with the url, the template loads up just fine, but ONLY the default style of the template will load. I have different template styles configured with different parameters. Only the params set for the default style on the default template load.
Modules based on the Itemid load correctly.
JoomSEF ignores temp ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by nerivon
Yes, everything works if I disable SEF,and I've seen that itemids show up in the URLs when looking at them in joomsef's control panel.
Oh and the articles are just single article links right in the menu.
JoomSEF ignores temp ...
Posted 13 years, 2 months ago
by nerivon
I am attempting to use JoomSEF 4.x with Joomla 1.6.5
I am having this same behaviour, whereby templates assigned to specific menu item id's are not showing with their assigned template.
Apart from manually setting the itemid, is there any way I can make it do what is expected?
JoomSEF ignores temp ...
Posted 13 years, 2 months ago
by nerivon
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