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Still trying to find out how to fix the 303 redirect status...

Admin? Moderators? Anyone?
URLs sending 303 red ...
Category: Extensions
Our clients website recently had the paid version of the extension installed and configured by the developer. While the URLs are now SEF, we are seeing some strange redirects occurring and need them fixed ASAP.

JoomSEF 3.7.6

The problem:
The new SEF URLs are initially posting an HTTP Status Code of "303 See Other", while referencing the original non-SEF URL for the given page. When that non-SEF URL is accessed, the HTTP Status Code is a "301 Permanent Redirect" that then goes to the SEF version of the page (the correct page).

Here is an example page:

Plug that URL into Rex Swain's HTTP tool:

I have checked the FAQ and some other forum posts and it looks like this 303 redirect was supposed to have been fixed last year. For whatever reason, its still occurring here on this website.

These 303 redirects are hurting the website right now in the search engines so it's important that we're able to get these corrected quickly.

Where is the 303 being commanded? How do we get this to use the 301 redirect?

Please help.

URLs sending 303 red ...
Category: Extensions
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