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Profile for mingusthecat

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we have bought the component. We have opened a support ticket on this subject but we didn't get any reply ... Can you please look in it?
Can JoomSEF handle c ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

I need to know if joomSef can handle this request.

We have a custom PHP script which is running under JUMI to perform and display some data.

The custom script is accessible through a SEF url such as

which is a rewritten (native Joomla SEF) version of

Now we would like to filter data applying parameters such as


like this


and we would like to obtain a SEF url like this


and process these variables in script with

$mycat = JFactory::getApplication()->input->post->get('category');

$myplace = JFactory::getApplication()->input->post->get('place');

Can this be achieved with joomSef? if yes, is this a native feature or we need to buy some specific extension to accomplish it?

Thank you
Can JoomSEF handle c ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
we have a J3.3.6 with joomSEF. We have just restyled our website and we have many 404. We have these showing in the redirect core component. We have setup the redirection to the new url, but we have still the 404 on the pages, although the redirct are active and the redirect plugin is active.
We have cleaned the cache and checked everything.
Any clues?
Do the redirect plugin is compatible with joomsef?

Core Redirect Plugin ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I have found the error.
I post it here, if somebody needs it...
My problem was that the URL page of the K2 Rss Feed generated by K2 was empty (not blank, but just empty...I was using Firefox and I have a well formatted page, showing the subscription feed module, ... but just with no feeds in it). If I switched off the JoomSEF component the same page was showing the feeds correctly. Cheking the source page I have found that the page HTML contained itself the feeds but was not well-formatted.

In fact the error was due to the fact that in the Global Meta Tags Configuration I have set a custom Generator tag with my company on it...

This was breaking the feed structure and Firefox was not able to parsing the page correctly. Removing the custom generator tag, my feed page is working correctly, as you can see in the link
Thank you for your support, hope this will help ...

K2 Feed RSS not work ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
here the screenshot
K2 Feed RSS not work ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi Dajo
I've already checked and it was enabled.
Here attached yoiu can find a screenshot of the settings. I have also bought the K2 extensions, as i thought it can come from there...but not luck!

Actually all the URLs like
are showing a blank page...As I said, if I switch joomSEF off they work correctly

I can PM the address website and credential if you want to take a look.

Thank you

Joomla 2.5.9
ArtioSEWF 4.4.0
K2 2.6.5
Everything is updated. I'm currently running a Gavick template.
K2 Feed RSS not work ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I've bought joomSEF and I was able to set everything but the K2 RSS FEED are not working.
If I disable joomSEF from its panel, the feed are working correctly. If I enable joomSEF they are not working.
Please help

Thank You

K2 Feed RSS not work ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
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