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Profile for mdssdm

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:53
  • Posts: 2
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1.Fix Limit:
I'm already using it! Because of that I only need a start date and therefore removed the check out selection.
What I was asking was, is it possible to add this as Properties, like the other Properties.

2. Display capacity:
Same here, of course can I use a custom field to display the capacity, but the capacity must be maintained in the backend anyhow.
So why don't use this field as Properties automatically. You can then choose to use it or not, but you don't have to create a custom field for it.

3. Prices based on capacity:
Are there any plans to add sort of a capycity pricing in Book it
Example Pricing options:
- Daily
- Hourly
- Capacity (new)

Prices variable by c ...
Category: Feature Requests
Artio Booking Paid:
Ideas for a tour operator

As far as I understand the "Basic Prices Value" can vary by

1. Amount of booked days
2. Amount of booked hours
3. Depending on specific time periods (days or hours)

This price is

4. Added with Supplements
5. Multiplied by capacity

As a tour operator we have

1. A fixed amount of days (Trip duration) -> can be done with artio booking (Limit restriction: Fix limit)
2. Several supplements (single room, accomodation standard etc) -> can be done with artio booking
3. Variable prices dependend of the amount of booked Participants -> can NOT be done with artio booking


Trip: History Tour
Duration: 10 days
Single Room: + 100
4 stars + 100
5 stars + 250

Price pro Person. 2 Participants: 1500
Price 4 Person: 4 Participants: 1250
Price 8 Person: 8 Participants: 1000

I would like to see a price a "capacity" option added to daily or hourly prices.
Not only multiply the final price by capacity, as it is now.

Further Ideas:

1. Limit restriction:

Fix. Limit:
This is the place where I put the duration of the trip (e.g. 10 days)
Is it possible to add this to the Properties ? or any other limit restriction ?
Right now, I must use a textbox for every trip to display the Duration

2. Display Price already on overview, not only on reservation page

So customer can pick a tour depending on price and make a reservation.
It's a little bit unusual to see the price in the reservation page for the first time

3. Display capacity on overview

4. Is there a legend available below the calendar ? (gren=available, red=no capacity, orange=booked, but capacity available)

Kind regards

Prices variable by c ...
Category: Feature Requests
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