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Profile for majoyal

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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I have a bilingual website (French and English) with JoomSEF configured and enabled. The problem I have is related to urls that are generated by a user clicking a Google AdWords' sponsored link (links with the gclid variable). In our AdWords campaign, we have non-SEF URLs.

When the user clicks the link, he's not redirected to the SEF URL (the URL is still index.php?option=...) although the configuration should not allow that, but if I remove the gclid variable from the URL, I am redirected on the SEF URL. And also, from the same click, JoomSEF records an automatic SEF URL in the opposite language requested (in English if the AdWords link was in French and vice-versa) with the gclid variable in it (as shown in the third screenshot).

I don't know if it's a misconfiguration or a problem with JoomSEF but I had to delete this morning about 3500 URLs that had the gclid variable.

I also tried variable filtering with that variable and links keeps being saved in the alternate language (curiously not in the requested language...).

Any help would be appreciated,


Edit: I forgot to mention that I have Joomla 1.5.22 with JoomSEF 3.8.1
AdWords links & Bili ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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