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Profile for madmax_b

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 15:54
  • Posts: 3
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short_open_tag = On

is not a regular php configuration

You can also solve the problem with server settings:

if all php tags over the project were opened in short manner than it would be a rule for the project and this rule should be represented in installation instructions: "prease reconfugure your PHP on hosting". Its not always avaliable on different hostings but OK.

but if it is the very only one tag from all over the big project - its a BUG.

All projects should be tested with the most common settings the user can have, higher level of security and minimal options turned ON and very common memory or hardware configuration.
If something should be changed from common server configuration - user should know it from installation instructions but not from digging Your code for couple hours or waiting a week on forum or wasting time for digging troubleshooting.
J 3.2 Month Layout T ...
Category: Community Support
i have found the problem.
i wonder the so called SUPPORT and developers.
PEOPLE! If You want to sell a thing then make the DEMO working perfectly!
No one would buy anything he can not test.

Joomla 2.5 the same problem because the problem is in code of component but not in anything else.

for component installable ZIP:\site\views\subject\tmpl\default_bookitform.php
for installed component:

line 69: <? } ?>
SHOULD look like <?php } ?>
after this problem is fixed.
regular php logger goes crazy making harder to find the problem.

support, you owe me money for the wasted time, troubleshooting, testing on different joomla versions and support of Your users. another words - doing Your job...
J 3.2 Month Layout T ...
Category: Community Support
When Clicking "Make reservation" in Skoda the browser goes to the page
and no site template is loaded
Page does not consist of any body or header tags just the content of form.
Have looked into code but could not find the reason
Please help
J 3.2 Month Layout T ...
Category: Community Support
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