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Profile for ivar

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 00:57
  • Posts: 6
  • Profile Views: 5131
  • Location: Unknown
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  • Birthdate: Unknown




When a purchase goes through on the VM webpage how do I get VM invoice to send the invoice automatically?

What plugin do I use or how do I setup CRON job?
How do I get it to s ...
Category: Feature Requests
I edited the the invoice to how I want it to be but when I buy something through VM the standard Invoice and email are sent but not the one from VM invoice.

How do I disable the standard email and Invoice and let the VM invoice and email send automatically instead?
how do I let the VM ...
Category: Feature Requests
Thanks this worked.
how do I remove the ...
Category: Feature Requests
I figured this out you have to go to global configuration in VM invoice and disable the "cache pdf" option for the language override to work.
I'm trying to use la ...
Category: Translations
How do I remove the footer?

This document was generated using
ARTIO VM Invoice
- VirtueMart PDF invoicing solution.
how do I remove the ...
Category: Feature Requests
I'm trying to use the language override to translate the invoice but it doesn't seem to work. My site is set to the Danish language but I translated the constant in both the English and the Danish language but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

To clarify I will give you all the details. I take this constant: COM_VMINVOICE_QTY which is by default: "Qty."

I use language override in Danish to change it to "mængde" and then I change it to "mængde" in English as well but when I try it out by clicking on of the pdf's under Invoice/Order Management in the Artio VM Invoice it still displays "QTY"

Please tell me how to fix this.
I'm trying to use la ...
Category: Translations
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