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  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 06:16
  • Posts: 9
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I have a valid license of JoomDoc 3 (expires 2014-04-17), and I want to download a JoomDoc 4 with this license, but I don't know what I need to do, or where's the download link.
In this thread I explain why I need to change my JoomDoc version.
Download JoomDoc 4 w ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, these changes help it to correct the timeout problem, but the problem still exist.
When the search is open, and I'm opening a Joomdoc page, if the wordkey field is empty, Joomdoc shouldn't search anything.
Problem with Joomdoc ...
Category: Customer Support
We have a Joomdoc Pro(3.4.6) on Joomla (2.5.19) and everything works, except for the searching part when the page is closed with the search option open.
We loaded files in different folders. The searching works, but if you open the search option and close the page without make a search, when you try to reopen de site occurs a problem, because a search with selecting "Everywhere" start and produce an error : Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in........... You then need to close you browser and reopen it to work.
This situation is unaceptable. What we can do?
This Joomdoc manage around 12000 document.
Problem with Joomdoc ...
Category: Customer Support
JoomDoc root folder
Category: Customer Support
i had version 3.4.3 but i just finish updating to 3.4.4. And the bad news is that that dont fix the problem. I send you the attach of the front end.
JoomDoc root folder
Category: Customer Support
JoomDoc root folder
Category: Customer Support
I follow the instructions and nothing change. Anything else i could do to make the change visible in the frontend?
Thanks for the help!
JoomDoc root folder
Category: Customer Support
Hi, i need to change the name of the root folder which is show the document Tree from JoomDOC to something else.

Which file i need to modify in the JoomDoc to make that change?
JoomDoc root folder
Category: Customer Support
Hi, my site is experimenting long loading times and that is because this module. The loading time is drastically improved when the module is disabled. I need to improve the speed of the site but with this module activated, could you help me

the URL of the site is:

JoomDOC Slow to down ...
Category: Customer Support
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