I've been running JoomSef on my 1.0.15 Joomla website for the past year and it has worked as expected.
However, I'm now having an issue with the page navigation on my category pages. I.e.
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Is there a way to stop it creating SEF URLs for these links and keep them for the products and categories?
JoomSEF & Virtuemart ...
Posted 15 years, 3 months ago
by helen@hackwell.com
Hi Jan,
Having gone away and thought about this a bit more it occured to me that this URL issue happens if I view the product in the 'My Designer' mode also.
Fundamentally, unless I first view the product in the correct overall category then the item ID is messed up and as a result the URL.
Is there a way in the SEF/Virtuemart file to amend the code so that the item ID is always the main category the item has been submitted to, rather than the one that happens to display the product first?
For example:
If I add a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes to the site, they can be viewed here:
Once the product is published if I, or another visitor on the site refreshes the 'by-designer' page before the 'shoes' page then Artio puts 'by-designer' instead of 'shoes' as the category.
As the website increases in popularity this happens more and more frequently.
Any help/advice would be great.
Thanks again
Virtuemart New Produ ...
Posted 16 years, 1 month ago
by helen@hackwell.com
I've been running ArtioSEF with the Virtuemart component from some time on my site and most things work great. However the issue I have is that when I add new products to the site and I have the Virtuemart new products module running ( www.theitguide.co.uk, on the left) the SEF URL doesn't generate properly.
For example, a normal product URL is formatted like this:
If I have the new products module running it creates them like this:
So I have to turn it off before I add new products and it's becoming a pain!!!
Any suggestions on how to resolve this so I can keep the module published?
Thank you
Virtuemart New Produ ...
Posted 16 years, 1 month ago
by helen@hackwell.com
I've now disabled the virtuemart module but ALL my urls are now including 'virtuemart' rather than the category name.
Please does anyone know what might be causing this as a I'm desperate to fix it.
Virtuemart Latest Pr ...
Posted 16 years, 10 months ago
by helen@hackwell.com
I hope you can help me, I'm using the Artio SEF component along with the Virtuemart extension on my website: www.theitguide.co.uk
However, the latest products module seems to be causing some issues with the URL generation.
Whenever I add a new product, rather than correctly including the product category in the URL it instead adds 'virtuemart' which causes the product not to appear correctly in the menu.
This not only effects the URL in the latest product module but also causes the incorrect URL to appear on all the product links.
I think it might have something to do with the itemid field - but I'm not quite sure how to fix this issue.
At the moment I'm having to change them all manually which is pretty annoying :o)
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Virtuemart Latest Pr ...
Posted 16 years, 10 months ago
by helen@hackwell.com
Virtuemart URLs
Posted 16 years, 11 months ago
by helen@hackwell.com
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