5 days, almost 50 views and not one suggestion?
How to create dynami ...
Posted 11 years, 9 months ago
by Harm Millaard
I have a fabrik list, like the one shown below.
The first question relates more to fabrik, than to FusionCharts, but what do I need to do to make the following chart appear in a Lightbox popup window when I click on the link in the first column?
- How can I change - for this chart only and leaving all my other charts unchanged - the default color of the bars to FEFEFE, instead of 2386F8 after a realtime query?
- How can I dynamically change the header of the chart to reflect which systems chart is being displayed?
- How can I change the trendzones to show a gradient to the next color? For instance a gradient from D41306 to E84615 and again from E84615 to F6BD0F, etc. for each trendzone.
Maybe one of the mods can change the code of this post, so my embedded [img] files show up or allow me to add attached files, since neither appear to be working and changing to [URL] does not work either.
How to create dynami ...
Posted 11 years, 9 months ago
by Harm Millaard
Is it possible to adjust chart dimensions dynamically, by setting for instance:
Width: = 70% instead of 670 px, so the charts grow or decrease in size, depending on the actual browser size window, in other words they become 'elastic'.
Say you have standard dimensions of 670 px by 500 px on a 800 px content area, but when the browser window is reduced to 600 px, can the chart dimensions be automatically adjusted along with that?
Can chart dimensions ...
Posted 12 years ago
by Harm Millaard
Next question:
If I get FusionCharts Suite XT, including FusionCharts XT, FusionWidgets XT, PowerCharts XT and FusionMaps XT, would I be able to access these from the Joomla interface, or would I need to do that from JS? The vastly extended chart options, including Box-and-Whisker charts, Error charts, Multi-axis charts, Waterfall charts, etc. make that an enticing option.
How to add a single ...
Posted 12 years ago
by Harm Millaard
It would be cool to have the option to add a data series or category at a specific point,like
Add (1) Category ... At the beginning ... or At the end ... or After Category (XYZ). GO
Since this is all SQL based, this should not be hard to implement is my guess.
Can you add a data s ...
Posted 12 years ago
by Harm Millaard
Upon saving a chart, the XML code generated is stored in a database table, __ARTIOFusioCarts or something simliar. Which component generates this XML code, because that module may be modified to retain my settings for the display, even though the data change.
How to add a single ...
Posted 12 years ago
by Harm Millaard
Your remark about UNION helped a lot to solve the second problem.
SELECT '','Total Time','Relative Pref. Index','Disk I/O','MPEG2-DVD','H.264-BR'
(SELECT name, ideal, idealrpi, disk, mpeg, h264 FROM Percentiles LIMIT 0, 5)
(SELECT Computer_ID, total_time, crpi, Diskio, dvd, h264 FROM Personal_data WHERE Version LIKE 6.0 AND nr=36)
gives me the correct results in the table. I still have to figure out how to make the 'nr=36' condition in the last SELECT statement dynamic, to be used with fabrik links as a kind of 'Detail View', but the most pressing problem now is that updating the SQL query resets all my dataset preferences to a default that I do not want.
I want my datasets to look like this: ppbm7.com/index.php/results?showall=&start=5
Type, colours, line thickness, anchor radius, anchor angles, values, etc. are all changed after updating the SQL query to some default settings that make it - for my use at least - unworkable.
I need to be able to use real time SQL queries to update charts on-line but keep the layout I have once made. How can I set the defaults to these settings?
How to add a single ...
Posted 12 years ago
by Harm Millaard
This is a pretty simple problem, but the solution is way beyond me, so that is why I posted this question in the hope you can help me solve it.
I have a table that looks like this:
I have a page that looks like this:
What I want is a combination chart like this:
So, what is the question?
How can I add the selected record from the page, using the Nr. link to the Table in the first image on a temporary basis to display a chart like the combination chart above? What do I need to change in my query to achieve that? See the image below:
There is one additional problem. Why is the first row in the table always left out? The Top observation is never included in the query other than using the values as Category names.
Looking forward to your suggestions.
How to add a single ...
Posted 12 years ago
by Harm Millaard
Thanks again for the very speedy reply and the 'hack', which works perfectly. Thanks so much.
One last request on this specific topic: Would it be possible to have the option to align these labels left, right or centered? They currently are left aligned, but I think it would be nice to have that option.
Possible bug report ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
I often use bar charts and in order to maximize the plot area on a page, I'm sometimes required to use labels like this:
Relative Perf. Index
for readability reasons. That works quite nicely, see
However, when you change anything in the chart, the code is magically removed every time. This requires editing all the labels where you have entered .html code each and every time. This is not limited to only, but to all special characters entered with .html codes.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here?
Possible bug report ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
First some background. I maintain a database with benchmark results,
From this database I make selections and present the resulting query in ARTIOFusionCharts. This works great, since they are dynamically linked to the MySQL database. Even when I add new results or change existing results, the charts are updated automatically.
To see how this works, see: ppbm7.com/index.php/results?showall=&start=1
However, to make the charts more readable, I want to add trendlines to these charts, indicating D9 (upper decile), Q3 (upper quartile) or Med (median) levels. For now I have entered these trendlines manually, but you can already see the problem. What if I add a number of new submissions to the database and the values for upper decile, upper quartile and median change? I now have to modify each and every chart manually and change the numeric values by hand.
Is there any possibility to add trendlines based on a MySQL query, so the current numeric values become dynamic in nature in terms of start value and end value? Or is that a feature request?
Trend lines are nume ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
It is great to be able to use a logo on your charts, but is it possible to locate the logo (with added transparency) inside the canvas? Like this:
or would this be a feature request?
Logo position?
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
Thank you so much for your help. You have solved all my problems and your tip about the Use Round Edges solved the last question I had. All my charts are now the way I want them on this site, which is a work in progress.
I especially like the possibility to use dynamic charts based on MySQL databases. Makes it so much easier.
Labels missing from ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
Followed all your steps, uninstalled from Extension Manager, checked for the plug-ins, they were no longer there, checked with Filezilla to see if the directories were removed, emptied the {prefix}_artiofusioncharts table so all my old charts were gone. Then reinstalled the 'User' version.
Next I created a new chart and the problem persists. Like previously no problems with the Pie 2D charts, but the Bar 2D charts give me problems. Unfortunately, my host is doing maintenance, so I can't access the MySQL database currently to check the XML code in the chart records, but some older Bar 2D charts show no problem with labels, but all persist in the 'Free' look, not the enhanced look of the 'User' or commercial version.
On this page ppbm7.com/index.php/final-results?showall=&start=2 you will see the Column 2D chart that still lacks the 'enhanced' look, but on this page ppbm7.com/index.php/the-price-tag you will see the 'enhanced' look in the Pie 2D charts.
Note that the first chart is using a real time MySQL link to update the data dynamically, something technically impossible with the 'Free' version.
Labels missing from ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
Value Padding in Chart Padding & Margins does not seem to work either.
Labels missing from ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
Yes, in the functional attributes tab 'Show Labels' is set to YES.
I have uninstalled the 4 ARTIO extensions, cleared the cache and reinstalled. Still the same problem and I have a suspicion that some parts of the Free version are still installed, because the Single Series Bar 2D Chart when creating a new chart look like Free version bars, not like the enhanced Commercial version looks as shown in your link.
Creating a new Bar 2D chart, setting Show Labels to YES and rendering with the sample data shows no labels. Changing the Type to Column 2D and rendering the chart shows the labels.
Is there a way to force a complete uninstall of remnants from the Free content and a complete reinstall of all the content from the commercial version?
The picture below shows when creating a new chart. Is it complete in the content types available in the User version? Are the circled types correct in their display?
Labels missing from ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
When I use a Single series Column 2D chart, the labels in my data show up, when I use a Single Series Bar 2D Chart the labels no longer show up.
See below
Labels missing from ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
That was indeed the problem. Had to uninstall the Free version first and then the User version installed.
However, it appears all labels in existing charts have disappeared and with new charts labels are not displayed at all, for instance with Single Series Bar 2D charts.
User version does no ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
I just bought the User version, downloaded and tried to install on Joomla 2.58 but all I get is:
There was an error uploading this file to the server.
I uninstalled the Free version and tried again, but no luck. Ultimately I reverted to the free version, until I solve this issue, or do I have to get a refund?
Manually trying to install from the /homepages/.../tmp directory, after uploading the file, results in:
Error installing module
User version does no ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by Harm Millaard
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