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Profile for haguilar

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Caching: I don't think so, I have opened the page with the new modification on different computers and different browsers and the changes made on ARTIO do not show.

Other Components: JoomSEF is the only third party component I have on my Joomla site

Do you have generating of new URL in JoomSEF config turned on? : YES I DO.

Now, Look what I just found out. The changes that I made to the site a week ago, are now showing up days later. So it might be a caching issue of some sort. The question is; do some caching happens at the server level? because I have cleared all cache on all my browser and if I make a change to a SEF url, the changes do not show. but I know SEF is working but not updating.

What to do. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated. I truly like your product, but we need to be able to modify Page Titles and Keywords on the fly.

Thanks in advance for your prompt response.

Artio works but stop ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello guys,

I have an interesting issue. JoomSEF seems to work fine. However, Three days after installing SEF, it just simply stopped updating. if I go to "View/Edit SEF Urls" and I open any SEF Url and modify any of the Meta Tags such as Title or Meta Description, it just simply does not reflect the change on the browser.

A couple of days ago we were able to add, modify and create SEF URL Meta Tags without issues. Today, the SEF URL are that were created are working fine, but the MetaTags keep the setting from yesterday even if change.

as a test, I deleted an SEF URL and recreated again and they do work. New MetaTags DO NOT WORK

Thank you in advance for your prompt response.


Artio works but stop ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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