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Profile for gtelegadis

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:51
  • Posts: 7
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Ok that is fair. I just have a few other housekeeping questions for you. When I utilize your component, will it automatically replace the default messaging that virtuemart currently uses when an order is placed? Currently when they place an order, they get an HTML purchase order confirmation e-mail, along with some pretty rough looking system e-mails each time the status changes from pending, to confirmed, to shipped. Ideally, we would be using your software instead for these messages to replace the default ones, yes? I just want to make sure that we would be shutting off the default e-mails when replaced with yours.

For this new functionality we're discussing in this string, would there be an automatic way that your software could know when the tracking was posted to the user's account? Or would it look instead to the change from confirmed to shipped to know that the tracking was then posted to the account? Since shipping occurs after payment (usually the following day), I'm presuming your software would allow us to set up a separate template thanking them for the order and giving them the tracking information you are pulling from the store)?
other / extra fields
Category: Pre-sale Questions
If I agreed to test this additional feature for you in our shopping cart, would this be something you would agree to start working on right away?

There is not much value for me to add this without this functionality as this is the primary reason why we were interested in your component.
other / extra fields
Category: Pre-sale Questions
In the virtuemart backend / orders screen - we use webgility's ecc software that pulls tracking information and drops it into the order history tab in the top right of the back end list orders screen. Can your PDF invoices pull that information into a custom invoice template? We've been looking for a way other than manual to get this information into the order confirmation e-mail and thinking your solution might work. Let me know!
other / extra fields
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Yes, I gave up on these guys a while ago and uninstalled their plugin due to complete apathy. Yes, it's free but I generally either upgrade or purchase paid mods for those companies that show they support their products.
fatal error line 155
look around the virtuemart formus under google tracking conversion code and you should find the solution there. It was something like checkout.thankyou.php but I can't remember - did it a while ago and know it works. I did a quick search and found this alternative approach from some guy who does SEO but haven't tested it:

I am using the Google analytics tracking code in virtuemart.
You can put it Easy on your site.
1. Log in on
2. In the dropdown menu Components, choose VirtueMart
3. In the left menu, click on Shop
4. Click on List of payment methods
5. You will see payment methods on the right, click on preffered payment method (for example credit card)
6. Click On VirtueMart Settings Tab
7. Down, you will see there Additional payment data
8. Put the tracking code there
9. Save it.

Let me know if this works for you as it is a cleaner option than hacking the php files.
fatal error line 155
good luck - didn't seem to get any interest from Artio on a response to my post. I know it is a non commercial plugin, but you would think there would be something from them...

anyway, as a bit of advice, you can do a workaround with google adwords by putting their tracking code into the one relevant php file they recommend - go to adwords or google, virtuemart adwords conversion code.

i'm nicely tracking conversions via adwords, but do not yet have any tracking for virtuemart on google analytics. If you find something else that works well lmk.
fatal error line 155

I am getting the following error when someone goes to check out:

Fatal error: Class \'vm_ps_checkout\' not found in /home1/smashpad/public_html/plugins/system/gacode.php on line 155

Here is the line in gacode.php:

$chkout = new vm_ps_checkout();

I have my UA code entered as UA-681xxx-1 (real numbers in place of x's, but this is the format and I used hyphens in case I wasn't supposed to let me know).

This is the code I put in the google adwords conversion code which I cut and pasted from the ad words account:

<!-- Google Code for Virtuemart Sale Conversion Page -->
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
var google_conversion_id = 1021923544;
var google_conversion_language = "ar";
var google_conversion_format = "3";
var google_conversion_color = "ffffff";
var google_conversion_label = "5z2wCLSDhAIQ2KGlxxx"; (again replaced x's with actual numbers)
var google_conversion_value = 0;
if (22.00) {
google_conversion_value = 22.00;
/* ]]> */
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<div style="display:inline;">
<img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=";script=0"/>
</div> (again replaced the x's with the real numbers)

Any help would be appreciated.
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