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Profile for gatsu01

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:53
  • Posts: 13
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i want to say my opinion about artio joomsef component and the artio compagny !!!

firstable i have used during a lot of time all others SEF component for joomla (sh404sef, sobisef, opensef ect ect)

and today i can say that Artio joomsef is THE BEST, its the sef component with less bugs than others, better code build, interesting option and often updated......

i am very happy to use joomsef in my different websites project...

i use the free version of joomsef but because im satisfied about joomsef works i bought joomsef extension and i don't download it illegaly ( its normal to buy something than you think is good also when it's good work)

that's means i am a customer, but as customer i'am not very satisfied by the commercial policy of artio

on the paid part of forum when a user(customer) have a problem, artio team say ok we can help you but you must paid us for the working time...

it's ok i understand it, you are a compagny, make profits is normal

but when a customer have a problem and when this problem is a bug, or an oversight on your part (code not complet..) i think it's not very business from you to ask at your customers to pay for that....

to finish, just show the paid forum part.... there are lot of questions but not a lot of answers... why do you create it ?, i really don't understand..

I do not blame you, I am thankful for your work (its a good work) but today and i am sorry but
I do not agree with your commercial policy...

I hope that my remarks will not be indifferent

thank you !

Best regard
My opinion about ART ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
hello, it's not necessary to reply at this post because i resolved my problem. i have created a php function to do it

thank you!
[solved] mosets exte ...
Category: Extensions
thank you 2ksw !!
Generate auto meta d ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
hello !!!

I just buy the Mosets tree jomsef 3 extension for joomla 1.5

and i see there miss something exactly like on my Sobi2 joomsef 3 extension....

but i stopped to use sobi and now i work with mosets...and

I would like to have the possibility to ADD the entry ID in my BROWSER title :

because actually i have duplicate browser title, when i have more than one entry with the same name.


if i have 2 entries who have as name : FORD

the first entry get this url :


the second entry called ford have this url :

BUT BOTH have the SAME BROWSER title :

browser title : MYWEBSITE - FORD
for :

browser title : MYWEBSITE - FORD
for :

For information :

SH404SEF add the ENTRY ID in the browser title

i have with sh404sef this :

browser title : MYWEBSITE - FORD
for :


browser title : MYWEBSITE - FORD 2
for :

but i don't use SH404sef !!!

I prefer artio joomsef its the best sef component for me, for a lot of reasons...

i bought many extension i am very satisfied everything run perfectly but unhappily i don't have the possibility to add ID in title :( and it's important for my referencement. google hate duplicate titles...

Please guys help me to have ID on my browser title!!!!

its very important for me and i think it's a really usefull option for a SEF component ! ( search engine friendly who make duplicate title it's not normal..)

thank you for your futur help !!!!

best regards,

[solved] mosets exte ...
Category: Extensions
thank you for your answer :) i have solved my problem all my url are like i want now but thank you.

But if you want to help me i have a real and serious problem with sobi2 artio joomsef extension look at this please :

thank you Jan !
Component title + ar ...
Category: Extensions

I have a serious problem with the SOBI2 extension for joomsef

i have a lot of entries with the same names, joomsef sobi2 extension generate good url

everything works fine but...

all ford entries have the same title page...

page title : MYSITENAME - SOBI2 - FORD

page title : MYSITENAME - SOBI2 - FORD

page title : MYSITENAME - SOBI2 - FORD

I would like to know how to add the itemid (number) in my PAGE TITLE??????

to have something like that :

page title : MYSITENAME - SOBI2 - FORD - 2
page title : MYSITENAME - SOBI2 - FORD - 3
page title : MYSITENAME - SOBI2 - FORD - 4

please help me because google warning me everyday about duplicate title page.......

its not very good for my referencement
Duplicates title pag ...
Category: Extensions
to solve this problem you must go in your SOBI2 panel :


and just disable the second level cache :

Second Level Cache Enabled = No
Problem with SOBI2 J ...
Category: Extensions
It's ok, i have uninstall complety artio joomsef, i have deleted all artio joomsef entries on my sql database ( because during instalation sef.bak was not uninstall why i dunno...)

after and reinstall the last artio joomsef release and that work !!!
Error Messages impor ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i have upgrade joomsef with the realease 3.3.5 and after 3.3.6 but i have still the same probleme than Jo-kap...

i cant import joomsef_custom_urls.sql i have this message :

Ignoring line: INSERT INTO `jos_sefurls` (cpt, sefurl, origurl, Itemid, metadesc, metakey, ..............
Error Messages impor ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I would to know if its possible with joomsef to autocreate meta description and meta keywords

because i have more than 2000links on my website, and its too much work to create meta for all this pages.....

joomsef create automaticaly meta description and meta keywords but that sucks....

this is a example of meta generate by joomsef, joomsef add only one word and its the article title :

<meta name="keywords" content="Dell" />

<meta name="description" content=". Dell." />

ONLY one word for keywords and for the description its always one word with a dot before....

that will be cool if i can found a way to add words after the word ''DELL (article title generate by joomsef)"
Generate auto meta d ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I would like to know who to remove double dash -- in my titles,

on all my sobi2 components titles i have -- and i dont know why and how to remove it

look at my screenshot you will see :

How to remove double ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Component title + article title 2 Hours, 34 Minutes ago

i use artio joomsef + sobi2 joomsef extension

actually my url looks like this :


i would like to know how to change it like this :

thank you for your help!
change url generate ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

i use artio joomsef + sobi2 joomsef extension

actually my url looks like this :


i would like to know how to change it like this :

thank you for your help!
Component title + ar ...
Category: Extensions
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