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Profile for gallus

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:08
  • Posts: 10
  • Profile Views: 7064
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Simply select check-in date in August then change month and select check-out month
Cross month booking
Category: Booking
I would like to know how can I obtain, as shown in the demo site, that when I click on check-out date the date really selected is setted to the next day.

In particular now when I select check-in date in and out are automatically set to the same value and not as show in the demo site to the choosen date and the day after: how can I obtain this behavior?

Best regards
Check-Out the day af ...
Category: Community Support
Each time you set a new price or type of reservation the system assign e new color to the box in the calendar, the problem is that in css are defined only 22 variation for each so that if you need to prepare a lot of prices or type of reservation the system is not able to do that thing.

/components/com_booking/views/subject/tmpl/default_calendar_monthly.php lline number 107

<span class="price price<?php echo $service->priceIndex; ?>" id="<?php echo $service->id; ?>">&nbsp;</span> before
<span class="price price<?php echo $service->rtypeId; //$service->priceIndex; ?>" id="<?php echo $service->id; ?>">&nbsp;</span> or after
<span class="price price<?php echo $service->rtypeId; //$service->priceIndex; ?>" id="<?php echo $service->id % 22; ?>">&nbsp;</span> or after
<span class="price price<?php echo $service->priceIndex; ?>" id="<?php echo $service->id % 22; ?>">&nbsp;</span> or after

There are also some problem choosing check in and check out in different months

May I help you if you need as beta tester may be.
Maybe Bugs
Category: Community Support
In prices tab you have to flag "Book over timeliness" leave Single deposit empty if you want that the system calculate the right deposit or set it if those case you want a standard deposit

troubleshooting in f ...
Category: Community Support
Is it possible to remove this message from the frontend?

Powered by ARTIO Boo ...
Category: Community Support
Found a quick solution during a long pizza hack dinner.

Modifing customer in administrator/components/com_booking/models/customer.php

this code
------------------------- CODE --------------------
if (! $id && $user->id)

in that way
------------------------- CODE --------------------
$mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication();

if (! $id && $user->id && $mainframe->isSite())

It works.

may you present me a complete version for free?

Urgent bug - creatin ...
Category: Community Support
Hi everybody, I have another simple question.
I have checked the possibility to use captcha image for unregistered customers before enter a new reservation but when I fill the form I can see where write the code but any images. What do you think I have to do to activate the captcha image?

Thank you very much for you help

No Captcha Image
Category: Community Support
No any additional extension.
I know that in Joomla! 1.6 is it possible to define for each elements, article, menu, modules etc the language group, to show or hide right things at the right moment. I have tested in all kind of situation setting both all languages and italian only for menu connection but dosen't work.
Localization Dosen't ...
Category: Community Support
Thank you very much for your answer, but I have already done this setting and it still not work.
I have test with Joomla! 1.5.23 and it works fine with any problems, but it dosen't work so with Joomla! 1.6.3, or better, each functionality still work but language settings and traslation sometimes have some problem both in frontend and in backend. Could it be a problem concerning the new possibility of Joomla! 1.6 connected to languages?
Localization Dosen't ...
Category: Community Support
Dear everybody,
from few days I'm prepararing a website with Booking Free edition. The website is now complete but I have a problem concernig localization of Booking component. My website is developed in italian and in back-end I currently see a right localization, there are few traslation errors but I have solved them, the problem is that in the front-end everything is still working in english and not in italian. What I have to do? The only solution I found, but not correct, is to substitute the content of the en-GB language with the one of italian.
I'm using Joomla 1.6.3, do you think i need to install some particular moduls o plugin? Do you think i have to set something in particular?

Thank you very much.
Localization Dosen't ...
Category: Community Support
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