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Profile for Futurimedia

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 06:03
  • Posts: 15
  • Profile Views: 7011
  • Location: Unknown
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The cart is a little cheap... It would be nice to apply CSS Class suffix in the cart module, to change background/title color/font, using template like Rocket Them.
More parameters for ...
Category: Feature Requests
It would be fine to display all the events, regardless the categories.
Sorting by date, of course. With thumbnail, date, price, short description and a button for more info, with a link to full description envent page.
The project i'm working on is for a small (98 seats) events venue whis amator singers, magician, danse, etc. It would be nice to display all the programmation for the next 3 months. This kind of request exist in component like Jcal pro, which display the next 3/5/7/... events, for the xxx next months...
Displaying all event ...
Category: Feature Requests
It would be nice for eticket to use transparency of PBG or GIF format.
Because a square white icon with a micro or a music note inside, is not realy "sexy"...
It would be nice also to be able to show/hide this icon, as for joomla categories...
Transparency of cate ...
Category: Feature Requests
1- Show an event as featured is great but...
It would be nice to slect on which page the featured event is displayed.
As in VM, i.e.

2- Removing Quick search and filters on each page would also be a good thing.

3- Displaying or not the category name/icon would be an option... When you display the content of a category, before you can see events, there is : the name, an icon, filters title, filter, Quick search title, Quick search option,
event title (it would be better to see here the name of the category...) then, finally events.... Problem is that events of the category are now shown in the windows, but you have to slide down to see them...

Choice to Featured E ...
Category: Feature Requests
Calendar is in english. I found no way to change that.
Any idea ?
Calendar in english
Category: Customer Support
My installation is new and in standard en-GB.
I'm trying all parameters.
Installing subcategories module, the module is shown on front page. Unfortunatly, no links are behind. In the demo, you can switch between categories. Here... nothing. I tried to change template and get a standard beez.. No matter.
Any idea ?
No link in subcatego ...
Category: Customer Support
I would like to remove the quick search in the front page of e-ticket, under subcategories and featured items, but I don't fiond anything to control what you can display or not, the order, show/hide title, and so on.
Perhaps you have to hack a php file to customize you front page.
Any idea ?
Hide Quick search on ...
Category: Customer Support
I have a small issue with infos which are displayed into browser.
exemple :
Infos ticket
Réf.: SY001
Lieu/Salle: venue_name
Nom de l'auteur: Serge Yvan

(Réf. = SKU - Lieu/Salle = Venue and Nom de l'auteur = Author name).
Venue name is well displayed on an other part of the display (it is 'the chabaret') but not here. A request at a bad address ?

Any idea ?
Venue missing
Category: Customer Support
Hi, I have just purchase E-ticket solution and I'm trying to install Paypal payment method to accept credit cards.

1- Unfortunatly, using sandbox, the UI doesn't not accept Id and password...
So I tried in Live mode. Then I can access (so my id/password are right)...
2- but currency is $...
In admin, I tried € or euro or Euro, but 10 € become $10 in Paypal and it try to charge only 7,75 € (about $10).
3- Paypal accept only paypal account. I use to have the ability to pay with a credit card without any paypal on other website. Why not in this solution ?
4- I tried to convert in french somes ini files. All work fine in admin and front office, if you don't forget to save as UTF-8 file, with notpad... But french accent are not supported inside Paypal (description of parameters) despit I save file in UTF-8.

Any idea ?
Paypal : Sandbox / C ...
Category: Customer Support
I would like to translate e-ticket in french (gb-GB copied as fr-FR then edited), but i worry of accent which become ??? in browser.
I know it's talking about UTF-8, but what are the precautions to do the best and lost nothing...

French translation t ...
Category: Translations
OK, email sent
Payment method
Category: Feature Requests
I'm in France.
I noticed the relationship between E-tickets and VirtueMart.
Would it be possible to adapt the methods of payment for VM to E-Ticket ?
Here in France, VM scripts exist for major banks and it would be great to use them, rather than the Paypal one which is more expensive (about 3,5% by transaction).
SIPS from ATOS (partnair for Net security of Olympic games) is probably the best script we need to perform a good e-business website. A script is avalaible for VM 2.0.
Here is a link to the tutorial and the files :
Payment method
Category: Feature Requests
I'm a poor lonesome cobaye...
Personne pour s'y coller ?
French translation t ...
Category: Translations
Est-ce que le même travail de traduction a été entamé pour e-ticket ?
Sinon, je m'apprête à le démarrer, mais... humm.. Y'a du boulot...
French Language
Category: Translations
I'm interested to use E Ticket.
Is there a team already working hard to translate the component in French ?
If not, what are the files to modify ?
French translation t ...
Category: Translations
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