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Profile for _fD_

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 18:48
  • Posts: 32
  • Profile Views: 5536
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Hello Jan,

can i run this on an Alias Domain?

Thanks for answering so fast.

Best regards, Urs
Joomfish with Joomse ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello Jan,

thank u for answering.

Is it possible to config Joomsef and Joomfish to following?


My hosting environnement ist Plesk 8.X and i can set Alias Domains or real Subdomains for fr.domain.tld.
How can i setup this?

With best regards,
Joomfish with Joomse ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello Jan,

i tried and now i have a strange problem with the config file, that means i get a java failure ... ok, anyway the urls are now like following:

domain.tld/de//german.html par example

But for german i want it without the lang string de.
Only the custom urls are right. That i made of coz without the lang de. What is wrong here ?

German is the main language in Joomla config too.

Thanks a lot for help.
Best regards, Urs

My actual config. Please take a look on it. Perfectly u send me the missing configs, so i can write in with the editor. Sorry, i tried the hole day to get it ...:

$alwaysUseLang = "1";
$enabled = "1";
$replacement = "-";
$pagerep = "-";
$stripthese = ",|~|!|@|%|^|*|(|)|+|<|>|:|;|{|}|[|]|---|--|..";
$suffix = ".html";
$addFile = "index.html";
$friendlytrim = "-|.";
$pagetext = "%s";
$langPlacement = "0";
$lowerCase = "1";
$showSection = "0";
$showCat = "1";
$useAlias = "0";
$excludeSource = "0";
$reappendSource = "0";
$ignoreSource = "1";
$appendNonSef = "1";
$transitSlash = "1";
$useCache = "1";
$cacheSize = "1000";
$cacheMinHits = "10";
$cacheFLock = "1";
$translateNames = "1";
$page404 = "0";
$record404 = "0";
$itemid404 = "";
$nonSefRedirect = "0";
$useMoved = "1";
$useMovedAsk = "0";
$replacements = "Á|A, Â|A, Å|A, Ă|A, Ä|A, À|A, Ć|C, Ç|C, Č|C, Ď|D, É|E, È|E, Ë|E, Ě|E, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, Ĺ|L, Ń|N, Ň|N, Ñ|N, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ŕ|R, Ř|R, Š|S, Ś|O, Ť|T, Ů|U, Ú|U, Ű|U, Ü|U, Ý|Y, Ž|Z, Ź|Z, á|a, â|a, å|a, ä|a, à|a, ć|c, ç|c, č|c, ď|d, đ|d, é|e, ę|e, ë|e, ě|e, è|e, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, ĺ|l, ń|n, ň|n, ñ|n, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, ő|o, ö|o, š|s, ś|s, ř|r, ŕ|r, ť|t, ů|u, ú|u, ű|u, ü|u, ý|y, ž|z, ź|z, ˙|-, ß|ss, Ą|A, µ|u, Ą|A, µ|u, ą|a, Ą|A, ę|e, ê|e, ś|s, Ś|S, ż|z, Ż|Z, ź|z, Ź|Z, ć|c, Ć|C, ł|l, Ł|L, ó|o, Ó|O, ń|n, Ń|N";
$predefined = array('0' => "com_frontpage",'1' => "com_login",'2' => "com_newsfeeds",'3' => "com_sef",'4' => "com_weblinks",'5' => "com_joomfish");
$skip = array('0' => "com_404_redirect",'1' => "com_acajoom",'2' => "com_backendcontentsearch",'3' => "com_customquickicons",'4' => "com_jce",'5' => "com_joomlapack",'6' => "com_joomlaxplorer",'7' => "com_mcs",'8' => "com_phpmyadmin262",'9' => "com_poll");
$nocache = array();
$serverUpgradeURL = "";
$serverNewVersionURL = "";
$langDomain = array('3' => "",'5' => "");
$altDomain = null;
$disableNewSEF = "0";
$dontShowTitle = array('0' => "com_contact",'1' => "com_search",'2' => "com_sefservicemap",'3' => "com_virtuemart");
$dontRemoveSid = "0";
$contentUseIndex = "1";
$checkJunkUrls = "1";
$customNonSef = "";
Joomfish with Joomse ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

i have running joomsef 2.3.3 and joomfish 1.7 running.

i like to have URLs like:
domain.tld/germanfiles.html For the main language
domain.tld/fr/frenchfiles.html For all other languages.

How can i setup this?

Thanks in advance for the right tip.

Best regards, Urs
Joomfish with Joomse ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

Thanks a lot for this great update.

Now i have following failure on my testserver:

When i set in the mambot the site name after, then i get it two times.

Where can i fix this?

Thanks a lot for helping words.

Best Regards Urs
JoomSEF 2.1.1 double ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello Maki

You have to make writeable 777 the document:

And now you can save your settings.

Best Regards, Urs
ARTIO JoomSEF Config ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello Artio

Sometimes i like to jump to the second page from this forum but i get redirect to the page 34. Page 3 is ok !?

Best Regards, Urs
Forum redirect bug h ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello all

If i debug set to on in the joomla main configuration i get this failure also.

Best Regards, Urs
probleme Virtuemart ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi Godyn,

look here ;-)

Best Regards, Urs
2.1.0 bug with lates ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello all

With the setting above i get redirects error on opening new windows:

PDF, print, e-mail button
In JCE editor the function buttons

After deactivation from this setting the redirects run normally.
Is there any fix for this?

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards, Urs
Bug Redirect nonSEF ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello Artio Team and Community

Many thanks for the implemention from the 301 redirects in JoomSEF 2.1.0.

Now i wish me following:

The Real URLs in the lists have a link to this site in a new tab to look for what it is ;-)

In the Mambot functions i miss the function prefer JoomSEF and if empty Joomla or Components values.
VirtueMart p.e. have normaly good titles, but now not showing. In VM 1.1. came keywords and descriptions

Best Regards, Urs
Wishlist for JoomSEF
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello David

its VirtueMart 1.0.12 (now included in the post)

Thanks for looking.

Best Regards, Urs
ext_jomsef_virtuemar ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello Community

Hi, I have acquired jommSEF + the extension for virtuemart, has installed the everything in a site with double language, Italian and English, the url they come very well re-written , but, when I pass to the English language, all the url of the site are translated, while all those of the products of virtuemart, remain in Italian.

I have now the same problem on following environnement:
Joomla 1.0.12
VirtueMart 1.0.12
JoomSEF 2.0.2 with VM Sef-ext 1.1.1
Joomfish 1.7 with VM Contentelements
PHP 4.4.4 (5.1.6)
MySQL 4.1.21 (4.1.21)

() a second install on an other server.
Knows somebody how to fix this translation problem?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards, Urs<br><br>Post ge&auml;ndert von: _fD_, am: 30/07/2007 12:24
ext_jomsef_virtuemar ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello Neil,

thanks for this tip! Is there a way this to do with categories on, p.e.:
RewriteRule ^(.*)-[0-9]{1,2}\.html$*/$1.html [L,R=301]

Whit /* for the categories?

Thanks again.

Best Regards, Urs

Post ge�ndert von: _fD_, am: 28/07/2007 16:38<br><br>Post ge&auml;ndert von: _fD_, am: 28/07/2007 16:39
JS &amp; VM - Exclud ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
hello again

After a fresh install it is ok!

i found now following:

the url after click register shows:


instead of:


In the SEF repository it shows:

to index.php?option=com_virtuemart&amp;lang=en&amp;page=shop.index

to the right place ;-)

From where comes this wrong /index?

thanks again.

best regards, urs

Post ge�ndert von: _fD_, am: 28/07/2007 16:53<br><br>Post ge&auml;ndert von: _fD_, am: 28/07/2007 20:32
Solved - Bug in mod_ ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello all

I get wrong redirects with the vm-modul on Register and Login:

  1. Click Register shows the form
  2. Click Login shows the maincategories from the shop
  3. Click again Login get the login
  4. Logout
  5. Click Register shows the maincategories

Deleting the domain cookies shows the register form, but in the same case like descripted above.

Have anybody an idea, whats going wrong here?

Thanks a lot for help.

Best Regards, Urs

Post ge�ndert von: _fD_, am: 28/07/2007 16:11<br><br>Post ge&auml;ndert von: _fD_, am: 30/07/2007 10:48
Solved - Bug in mod_ ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello Neil,

thanks a lot for the tip ;). In an other installation i had this template index.php hack, but now ...

Now it works perfectly by me with title, description and keywords in joomla 1.0.13 and virtuemart 1.0.12.

Best Regards, Urs
JoomSEF 2.0.2 bug - ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
wow, sounds very good ;-) With the history i write about ?

Thanks a lot.
Wishlist for JoomSEF
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello Artio and the others

I have actually an fresh install with Joomla! 1.0.13 and JoomSEF 2.0.2 running and get this mambot not to run.

What do you think about this ?

PHP 4.4.4
MySQL 4.1.21

Maybee that help to find a solution.

Best Regards, Urs
JoomSEF 2.0.2 bug - ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello Artio

An URL shoud not chance, but in same cases, it must be.

An FURL category/content gets manipulated to category/content1 and later to category/content2.

Now i wish me, that the old ones still are there, because in SE and in the Bookmarks they are still active and to control the chances, it will be great to know all the FURL manipulations and sending from 301 or 302 codes.

An extra feature:
Each old FURL can get a new URL and Joomsef proove at saving, if its unique.

Do you unterstand my intention?

Thanks a lot.

Regards, Urs

From Thread:
Wishlist for JoomSEF
Category: JoomSEF 3
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