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Profile for ethemba

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 14:57
  • Posts: 3
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I have found a community builder plugin in your site. Its a bit old but seems to work. At least now the options Reappend source and Exclude source info are working in the profile. Still, there are some options that seem not to work when you look at a community builder profile, as append .html.

Both options (Reappend source and Exclude source info ) cannot be apllied to a component only instead to all the site?

I will open the plugin and try to change something. Its a pity this common extension works so bad with friendly URLS

Thank you
Problem with communi ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have read the FAQs and search in the forum. But the comprofiler component seems to have their own rules.

If i use the options Reappend source and Exclude source info, all except comprofiler attach the Itemid in the url. I have search the URLs in the list to find duplicate urls but the profile urls doesnt appear in it. Then I create a personal URL for the profile, but its not working. If I skip for the comprofiler component the it works again but it doesn use any SEF.

Could you please tell me where to start searching the comprofiler rules?

Thank you very much
Problem with communi ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

When I activate the SEF, the profile page of community builder is renamed and visible, but the menu and modules stops working The menu not indicates in which option you are, and the modules of that section dissapear.

Seems to be something related with Itemid. In the site I have 2 instances, or types of profiles, so I have 2 Itemids to indicate which type we are in and remark the appropiate menu. The Itemid is passed as usual with &Itemid= but seems that SEF ignores that parameter.

¿Is there an option that can i activate or some fix i can apply to make it work? I have tried various combinations of the component options but with no success.

Iḿ using Joomla 1.5.9, Artio SEF 3.2.9 and Community Builder 1.2

Thank you very much
Problem with communi ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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