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Profile for ericbellavance

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:58
  • Posts: 12
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Ok, I solved my problem :)

I deleted the URL in problem and now it work...

Should I delete the JOOMSEF URL when I update JoomSEF or any extension?
Problem with ZOO Cat ...
Category: Extensions
I will try to explain my problem the better I can...

If you go on my website:

Go in the menu "Blogue" than click on "Information"

Click on the title of the first article "Calendrier 2012" to view the complete article.

Now, we can see that the "menu link" is "Accueil" rather than "Blogue/Information". It's not ok!

I use JoomSEF 4.2.6 with ZOO extension 3.0.6. If I use Basic Rewriting for the ZOO extension the link to the menu is OK

Any idea?

mysql 5.0.77
php 5.3.3
Joomla 2.5.4
ZOO 2.5.17
Problem with ZOO Cat ...
Category: Extensions
Ok I think I solved the problem...

First, since the problem was related to weblink I looked at what I have in the weblink. I noticed some weblink was not categorized but when editing properpties of these links it show categorized. I opened each on the uncategorized weblink and saved it. Now all my weblink are in a category.

After that I deleted the SEF URL causing problem, and now it work.

I remember having an other strange problem with article showing uncategorized but it fact it was. Editing and saving each of the uncategorized article solved the problem.

It a website that was upgraded with SP Upgrade
Searching redirect m ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Disabling the SEF URL when I do a search after that I receive an error 404.

I also noticed that my menu Ressources/Liens who should list all my weblink category redirect to my personnal website...
Searching redirect m ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Ho I found something in the managed URL

SEF Url: accueil
Real URL: index.php?option=com_weblinks&catid=12&id=10&view=weblink&Itemid=301

I deleted this URL and it worked until I do a search on my name than I click on the weblink to my site in the result. After that, search stop working and it redirected to my personnal website...
Searching redirect m ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I have JoomSEF 4.2.3 installed on the following website

When I do a search from this website I'm redirected to my personnal website, strange.

Changing the handler solve the problem

Any idea why I'm redirected to an other website when handler is set to Joomsef extension?


Searching redirect m ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Thank you David

Exactly what i was looking for
Title of my article ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Is there a way to remove the title just after the domain. I don't know why the title show 2 times...

Presently I have:

And I would like to achieve:


Title of my article ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Ok all is ok now...

After a couple of purge url, cache, recreating .htaccess the website is back online...


Suddently White scre ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

Two of my web site stopped working today... I only get white page. The site was running well for months. No update to the site was done... It's the second time that problem occur ( )


If I clear cache and url, it work for a minute than show white page again...

I updated to the latest Joomsef but still have the problem... I recreated my .htaccess but still have the problem

Any idea what to look?
Suddently White scre ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
It's look like my .htaccess file was corrupted... I opened the file and saved again and now the website is working.

Thank you !

JoomSEF 3.7.0 and Bl ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
My site use JoomSEF since a couple of month but today a friend reported to me that the site show blank page...

I upgraded to JoomSEF 3.7.0, cleared all cache. I turned On error reporting but see nothing. I disabled all the modules and plugins to see for conflicts. jfrouter is disabled and it's worked this way since my first install...

Any other idea I could try/check for?

The web site is:


JoomSEF 3.7.0 and Bl ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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