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Profile for De PIC

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First in administrator/com_booking/helpers/booking.php, second in administrator/com_booking/helpers/html.php but I think there is more code to edit. It solves the problem for me but you must know that my version of com_booking has been modified.

In fact the problem is the call to $current->toFormat('%W') which returns 0 for the first week of the year. We should get 1.
500 - DateTime::__co ...
Category: Customer Support
Ok sorry it's not good.

It makes further calculations wrong.

I correct it like this: in the function getWeekCalendar, I replace the line.

$setting->currentWeek = (int) $current->toFormat('%W');


$setting->currentWeek = (int) $current->toFormat('%W')+1;

But then I have to change the function getWeekSelect replacing this line:

$arr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $week . ',' . $year, $week . '/' . $year);


$arr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $week+1 . ',' . $year, $week+1 . '/' . $year);

But I'm not sure it will not affect the rest of the code. An answer from ARTIO would be great.
500 - DateTime::__co ...
Category: Customer Support

you have to check that it's the first week of the year. I had the problem with the function getWeekCalendar. The problem is with this line: $setting->year . '-W' . str_pad($setting->week, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). This doesn't work if $setting->week is equal to 0.
So you can do something like this:

if((int)$setting->week > 0) $calc_date=$setting->year . '-W' . str_pad($setting->week, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
else $calc_date=$setting->year;

And use $calc_date instead of $setting->year . '-W' . str_pad($setting->week, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) everywhere in the function. It seems to have solved the problem for me.

Happy new year !!!
500 - DateTime::__co ...
Category: Customer Support
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