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Profile for Dagseoh

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Ok, obrigada.

Se precisar de algo tb, tenho muita coisa que eu mesma faço a tradução por não achar na web ou por necessidade de adaptação.

Meu contato é This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Um abraço.
Translation Admin
Category: Translations
Claro... é antiga...nem tenho mais esse site. Traduzi na unha (rsrs) pois na época ninguém tinha ou ninguém quis me ajudar, então não deixe de dar uma olhada se esta tudo ok. Espero que te ajude.
No arquivo: site + admin

Viviane Oliveira
Translation Admin
Category: Translations
Hello ARTIO support,

I have a question about the translation in backend - admin area.

I made the translation of Booking for my language pt-BR, the frontend and backend, the frontend everything worked fine, except for a few words ...

But nothing happened in the backend ... I sent the new files by FTP, and area administrator continues in English, when changing any files in English by Portuguese appear only FIELDS ... (see attachment)

Joomla 2.5.14
Booking 2.1.3
linguage default admin pt-BR
linguage default site pt-BR

What is missing?
This happens due to my language (pt-BR) is not included in the installation (XML file) from the Booking?

What should I do to have the area of the backend in my language?
Translation Admin
Category: Translations
My site uses Joomla 2.5. When I bought the component Booking (20-02-2013) version 2.5 and 3.0 booking not stable, so I chose the version for Joomla 1.5 and 2.5. I have the first downloads the component Booking with version 1.5.8 that worked perfectly on my site. Today when upgrading to version 1.6.1 happens the following erros:

Booking control panel displays the following error: "500 - An error has occurred. DateTime :: __construct () [datetime. - Construct]: Failed to parse string team (Ymd H: i: s) at position 1 (-) : Unexpected character "

CONFIGURATION tab displays the following error: "Fatal error: Can not access protected property JToolBar :: $ _name in / home / cuidareo / public_html / administrator / components / com_booking / elements / bookinglink.php on line 21"

Upon entering the PHP file I noticed that the version 1.6.1 Booking is destined to Joomla 1.5, but when I bought this component was to support joomla 2.5 too (as you can see in the attached image).

My support component is valid until 20/02/2014, my site is joomla 2.5, bought a component that was usable on my site and now I have more support???

I do not want to support joomla 3.0, but I think I have the right to continue having support for joomla 2.5 as a component that only works on joomla 1.5 is no good for me, I bought a thing and having another.
Where is my support?
Category: Customer Support
Okay. Maju thank you, you helped a lot, the problem of object (capacity) was solved!

I am using the latest version ... I've done the upgrade, everything ok!

But not yet spotted the sentences of the second column I showed you, you can tell me where they are so I can translate them ....

thanks for the help Maju ....
Portuguese - Brazil ...
Category: Translations
Hello ARTIO Support Team

I translated the areas of frontend and backend component ...
by installing the frontend everything worked out, but the translation of the backend did not happen ...

the file was translated and formatted UTF8 ...

Why did not the translation of the backend?

OBS. some phrase comes directly from the frontend translation file admin, for example in the area of managing bookings (customer area) in the frontend.

Would anyone can give me any tips?

Portuguese - Brazil ...
Category: Translations
Hello, I have a website for registration of properties that belong to other people and gain a commission so they enroll their properties in my site. I'm really enjoying the component "Booking Joomla" and I have two ideas to do:

1) User could enter his property in the frontend without the need to register the property in the admin backend, currently it only manages your reservations ...

2) inclusion of reviwer or comments on the page so that other property visitors page can give more credibility to the product.

User could enter his ...
Category: Feature Requests
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