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Profile for CSorin

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:28
  • Posts: 2
  • Profile Views: 3642
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I have the same problem but unfortunately these options don't appear to me in the tab:
"Enable MetaData generation" must be On
"Rewrite keywords" should be On
"Rewrite description" should be On

I have others from the 3.99 version.

I have: Enable Meta Tags management, Metadata auto-generation: and others.

I can edit the metadata on some of them but not all of them. I don't understand why
please help
Meta tags are not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello! I have a strange problem with implementing JoomSEF on my joomla website that contains Adsmanager.
My website is .

The categories from adsmanager were implemeted ok with the JoomSEF editor and I can edit them easily but the problem is that I cannot access anymore pages like rules or my profile, the links that are shown in the front, the basic links. In Romanian like shown on the site: Anunt nou | Toate anunturile | Profilul meu | Anunturile mele | Reguli
These don't work anymore. If I disable the Joomsef they work again fine but I cannot edit the metadata. It's like JoomSEF doesn't see or recognise these links.

Please help!
Problem with JoomSEF ...
Category: Extension Requests
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