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Profile for composer

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  • Posts: 6
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Hi Lenka,

The code to be added just after $vmLogger->debug( $this->client->getError() ) and before return false is:

global $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname;
$mailsubject = "cannot check the VAT ID";
$mailbody = $this->client->getError();
vmMail( $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mosConfig_fromname, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $mailsubject, $mailbody );

You can modify the code and add it at every return false if you want.

EU VAT ID check inst ...
Category: General
Hi Lenka,

I was also thinking about an email alert. Now I have to check the log file for an error. And it is not an error message, but a debug message. I tried to change the debug message to an error message. But then the customer gets the error message. Not what I want.

I will try to add the email alert myself and keep you posted on the progress. Or can somebody from Artio provide the code to add?

EU VAT ID check inst ...
Category: General
Hi Lenka,

Thanks for posting! In case this happens again: how did you find out the right url?

EU VAT ID check inst ...
Category: General
Did you also change the plugin itself? Or only the installer?
EU VAT ID check inst ...
Category: General
No. Still the same problems here. I expected a reply from the sellers, but nothing happened. I will try to reach them in another way. If they still don't respond I will write a negative review on the joomla extensions site.
EU VAT ID check inst ...
Category: General

I have 2 problems.

1) I purchased EU VAT ID check. When I try to install it, I get the following error message:

VirtueMart component was not found.

I uploaded the 2 files manually to administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes. When I go to extensions -> install / uninstall -> components, I see VirtueMartEUVATIDChecker, but with empty version, date and author fields.

What's wrong?

2) When I debug virtuemart, I get the following error message:

Debug: shopper's country is not known; defaulting to vendor-based tax

I checked this with two different users. Both users have the country set.

Is this related to the installation problem or is this another problem?

Thanks, Wouter.
EU VAT ID check inst ...
Category: General
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