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Profile for c.perrotin

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:49
  • Posts: 5
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Hie, i using joomla 3.2.2 + booking 2.2.4

In configuration I set different colors depending on the status of the booking.

But on the front end, everything is red, yet the reservation is paid in full on March 5, while others are only pre-booked.

I don't understand why ?
Same Color reservati ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi vebi thanks for your answer, of course i do that (see attachment)
When the reservation change from pre-reserved to reserved nothing happen.
And if I change from reserved to cancel, it OK the manager receive the mail (test2) and the customer also (test1).

I don't know how to solve that.
Sending mail after m ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello, i'am using Booking 2.2.4 on joomla 2.5.17.

The customer make reservation, then they receive a e-mail.
The manager at the same time receive a e-mail, and they could change the state of the reservation (by the front side).

All it-s OK.

I don't know how to set that users receive an email informing them that their reservation is accepted.

I try "customer_state" but it don't work

Thank for your help...
Sending mail after m ...
Category: Customer Support
I use Joomla 2.5.17 and Book it2 version 2.2.4
Daily Layout don't d ...
Category: Customer Support
I use wamp on my localhost Apache 2.4.4, PHP: 5.4.12, MySQL 5.6.12
and when il try to see the item detail, the page is not display in my template and there is no calendar.

But with the same copy of my site on the server of my provider, all it ok !

Could you help me ?
Is there a spécific module of php usefull for display the calendard ?

NB : Sorry for my poor english i'm french
Daily Layout don't d ...
Category: Customer Support
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