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Profile for bmcqueen

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Has anyone constructed a book-it! system for bowling. I have the paid version of Book-it but I'm struggling to see how I can configure it

There are two sessions per day - morning and afternoon
Maximum number of people 10
Three type of ticket available: Junior, Adult and Family
And the option to book shoes for each individual with a selection of shoe sizes

My tree structure looks like

|------ Morning
| |
| |------ Tickets
| | |---- Adult (min 1)
| | |---- Junior (min 1)
| | |---- Family
| |------- Shoes
| |---- Size 1
| |---- Size 2
| |---- Size 3
|------ Afternoon
|------ Tickets
| |---- Adult (min 1)
| |---- Junior (min 1)
| |---- Family
|------- Shoes
|-----Size 1
|----- Size 2
|----- Size 3

Is this the correct structure?
How would I configure the bookable items?

I have the following fields for customers in the template:-

Sessions: morning and afternoon from a selection list
Tickets: Junior, Adult and Family
Skates: Yes or No
If Skates = Yes then a list to choose which size

I'm concerned that Book-it may not be able to support this and I'm looking for confirmation that it is possible.

Help with structurin ...
Category: Community Support
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